Wei Xiao suddenly recalled another thing and turned to stare at Mo Hui. "Why do you have my captain's first grade composition?"

Mo Hui: "Er......"

Wei Xiao fur stuck up alertly, and the alarms rang continuously. "How many years has it been, why did you keep my captain's composition?"

Mo Hui: "............"

Wei Xiao's jealousy rushed up to the heavens. "Could it be that you're secretly in love with my captain!"

Mo Hui: "......................"

The relationship between Wei Xiao and Lu Feng was the type where those who knew about it knew everything, and those who didn't know anything, knew nothing at all.

Mo Hui was obviously one of the people who knew.

He was a good single dog. How come he had ended up standing in the middle of the storm!

Lu Feng purposely remained silent, his black eyes filled with, 'You brought this on yourself'.

Wei Xiao blew up. "The captain is mine. Your secret love for him will be fruitless!"

Mo Hui watched as the water from the Yellow River rushed up toward his face. If this went on, he wouldn't be able to clear his name even if he jumped right in to wash himself clean. He said quickly, "For revision!"

Wei Xiao: "?"

Mo Hui had really lost face. Even before exposing Lu Feng's black history, he'd managed to thoroughly sell himself out. "You know... haven't you encountered it before? When your composition is really bad, and your teacher gives you a composition that got full marks for you to write out from the start..."

Wei Xiao: "......"

Mo Hui naturally wasn't interested in Lu Feng.

He'd kept the composition from their first year of middle school because they were from the same class, and Lu Feng had been number one in their grade. He was a model student, while Mo Hui's composition had scored at the very bottom. Even children from the first grade of primary school would've laughed at it.

The teacher, in a rage, had given him Lu Feng's composition and told him to copy it out three times.

Mo Hui certainly hadn't copied it, but he'd taken the composition home.

His Grandma Mo had happened to come by for a visit and was overjoyed to see this well written and content rich essay. She'd been pleasantly surprised. "Little Hui, did you write this? It's so well written!"

Mo Hui: "......"

Grandma Mo spent a full 800 words praising it without repeating herself, and Mo Hui really didn't have the guts to tell her that this was an excellent example template he was supposed to copy, so he'd ended up shamelessly accepting her praise.

Grandma Mo was really overjoyed. She took the composition and kept it like a treasure.

So, this composition was particularly well protected and had been left there for a good several years...

After hearing this story, Wei Xiao found the entire thing incredible.

Mo Hui: "Do you get it now?" Any kind of learning scum must have encountered this kind of thing before.

Wei Xiao shook his head. "I don't. I've been number one in my class ever since I was a child. Although my compositions never won any awards, I've been featured on campus tabloids."

Mo Hui: "???"

It wasn't until after he gave out Lu Feng's composition and obtained Fu Li's research analysis that he came to a conclusion. Mo Hui slapped his own thigh. "No wonder Laozi lost to them. What is a group of study gods doing here playing games? Wouldn't it be good for them to go and engage in scientific research instead?"

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