EP 57 - Happy Birthday

Depuis le début

Y/N : You guys worry for nothing.

Jimin : Yeah, we did. Dad was crying inside his room, you know.

You shocked hearing that.

Jin : Go to meet dad first. We'll wait for you at the living room.

You nod understand and they kiss your forehead before left. You bring him a tray of food for breakfast. You slowly walk upstairs while carrying the meal. You open the door slowly after knock.

Dad : Sweetheart ...

He burst into tears when he saw you.
You put the food on his nightstand and kneel infront of him. You hold his hand and apologize in sign language.

Dad : Don't do this anymore, Y/N. I thought you're really left.

He said while sobbing. You hug him as he hug you back. You caress his back to assure him that everything is fine.

Dad : Please don't leave. I can't live without you in this world, sweetheart.

You pulled away and take out your notepad.

Y/N : I'm not leaving, dad. I will always be here.

He burst into tears again when he saw your writing. He pull you into another hug. You smile because you know that he and BTS was happy.

Y/N : Now, eat something. You're didn't eat anything yet, right?

You wrote after you pulled away from the hug. You sit on one couch while your father sit infront of you. He start eating and sometime he will feed you.

Dad : Where have you been?

Y/N : To mom grave.

Dad : After that?

Y/N : After that, i went to the cafe to hang out with Jaeri and Myra. We celebrating something.

Dad : Celebrating what?

You stay silent.

Y/N : Nothing.

You wrote and then you look at him. You feel pity at him. Now you understood why he said that he need BTS to be his next heir. They the only person that capable to take the position.

You stay in your room after that. You hold the pendant in your hand. You look at the pendant. You decide to wear it. You change your clothes. You want to ask all of them out for lunch.

 You want to ask all of them out for lunch

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This is what you wear.

You walk downstair and you saw all of them was at the living room. You standing infront of the tv to gain their attention and wrote something.

Y/N : Let's eat outside today.

Dad : You're wanna eat outside?

You nod happily. They rush to change their outfit.

 They rush to change their outfit

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This is what they wore.

Jin : Let's go.

Taehyung : Baby, wait a minute.

He stop you and turn you around. You look at him confused.

Taehyung : You're wore it?

Namjoon : Wore what?

Tahyung : The pendant.

They look at it. You smile toward them and walk outside. You get inside the limousine. The driver starts to drive to your late mother favourite restaurant.

You was reading a comic. You didn't notice how the others look at you. Their eyes look glassy and lovely whenever they look at you.

Dad : Why did you look so happy today?

You just smile at him.

Suga : Is it your birthday today?

You look at him and your smile getting wider.

Dad : Today is your birthday? Why don't you remind us?

You just giggled.

Dad : I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'm promise next year, i will wish it early to you.

Jin : So since today is your birthday, what do you want as a present?

Y/N : I want us to spend time together.

You type on your phone.

Hobi : Just that? You know we can buy a lot of thing that you want.

Y/N : Some people don't need money to keep them happy. And not everyone that have money are happy.

Namjoon : I can understand it.

You smile at him. Not too long, you guys arrive at one 5 star restaurant. Its located on the rooftop of one higher building in Seoul Korea.

 Its located on the rooftop of one higher building in Seoul Korea

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This is the place.

You look around with awe feeling. You keep taking picture about how beautiful the scenery.

Jungkook : Let me help you taking your picture. Standing there beautifully.

You smile and he take few of your pictures. You guys also take family portrait there. Then you guys have lunch together.

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