First Year Starts Now

Start from the beginning

"I had no words, this is just too confusing for me to understand. And I think it's better to call me Mariposa as a nickname," Mirabel said.

"What does Mariposa mean?" Danny asked.

"It means 'butterfly' in Spanish culture," Katheren replied.

We all looked at her as if she just said something really brilliant.

"What? I can speak Spanish, French, Russian, German, Mandarin, and Japanese. Big deal," Katheren brushed it off.

"In our free time, can you teach me? I kinda wanna know how to cuss at people, and they won't understand it," Danny pleaded with his hands closed. 

"Sure. I'll have to teach Harry as well since she has her evil look," Katheren said, getting Mariposa and Danny to look at me.

Suddenly, the two got quiet while they stared at me.

"You're a girl?" Danny whispered, and I nodded.

"Yes, and let's keep it a secret. We'll really screw people over as soon as they find out," I said with a smug look.

Then, we all had our smiles up until the bell rang, indicating that it was time for class. 

"See you all at lunch!" I said, waving goodbye at Mariposa and Danny as Katheren and I walked over to our class together. 

We sat together while waiting for the others to come. The teacher was there and presented herself as Professor Sprout. After that, she immediately wanted us to take notes.

'I guess she's the 'get-on-with-it' type of person,' I thought before looking at Katheren.

Katheren POV

As Harry looked at me, she saw that I wrote everything down without missing a detail.

"What? I listen very well. And I have a condition called hyperthymesia syndrome. I basically remember everything, even in Jack's womb..."

"Is Jack-"

"Yes, and I prefer to say that I am an orphan. Nothing more," I whispered, aggravated that Harry would comment that. 

"Listen, I didn't mean to say it like that. I call her Lily since she wasn't the one who raised me. My Aunt Petunia will always be a mother to me," Harry whispered with a smile.

"I want to meet her if that's fine," I whispered before finishing my notes.

Professor Sprout came over and saw my note-taking, impressed that I listened to every single word she said.

"Ten points to Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Very nice handwriting and paying full attention to you both," She said before walking away.

After thirty minutes or so in class, the bell rang and we were heading off to our next class.

'I wonder how Mirabel and Danny were doing in their first-class...' I thought, before heading off to my next class.

Along the way, I saw Danny waiting for me, and we went together.

Once we entered, we sat right next to each other, and I heard Danny exhaling very loudly.

"Rough class?" I asked, getting Danny to bang his head as a response.

"You have no idea..." He groaned before explaining what happened.

Both Mirabel and Danny had a teacher named Professor Binns, and his teachings suck. It took all of their strength not to fall asleep since it was still morning, but it was exhausting, according to them. However, they managed to get through with it and even earned some points.

Before I could explain what Harry and I had done, the Professor silenced the class and introduced himself as Professor Flitwick to those who didn't know. 

"Now class, right presented in front of you is a feather. Now, grab your wands and repeat after me, 'Wingardium leviosa."

"Wingardium leviosa," We all said. Most didn't say it right, and some didn't wave it at the feather.

However, the spell seemed to work for me because my feather was the only one that went up.

"Well done, young child. Five points go to you," Professor Flitwick said. 

Danny POV

"Nicely done, Katheren," I whispered, giving her a thumbs up.

Katheren rolled her eyes while lightly blushing and ended up helping me.

"By the way, you said Win-gar-DUM Levi-O-Sa. Not Win-gar-DIUM Levi-O-Sa," She stated.

"Oh, thanks. Wingardium leviosa," I stated, getting my feather up as the second person. 

"Ten points to Ravenclaw for helping out and five to Gryffindor for cooperating," The Professor said, getting everyone to stare at us.

I rolled my eyes when the girl name Hermonie Granger stared at Katheren while Ron Weasely with Jace Potter stared at me.

'Just because she's smart doesn't mean I'm using her,' I thought, glaring back with a sneering look.

Throughout the period, we were just relaxing or helping out other students which in turn gave us more points.

'At this rate, we'll become the teacher's pet. Oh, lord, please don't anything bad happen to us...' I thought before leaving to head to lunch.

Once we were seated at Katheren's table far away from the rest of the students, we were waiting for Mariposa and Harry.

Ten minutes had passed, and I was starting to be impatient. Katheren, bless her heart, told me to eat without them.

 She, though, waited until they came for about fifteen minutes, and they look pleased.

"What happened?" I asked, seeing their glasses flash, and it was not a pleasing sight to see.

Mirabel (Mariposa) POV

"What happened was that during Transfiguration, Professor McGonagall told us to try to transform our pets into needles. Obviously, we did it right, and we got points. However, after class, Harry was asked to stay over, and I decided to wait for her. The Professor apologized for not being there for her and that no matter what she needed, she'll be there for us. Then, Harry told her that it was alright, but that it'll take time to trust since she was left by her... you know. McGonagall agreed and that she'll do anything to make up for the lost time. Honestly, I think we're her favorite students. By playing our cards right, we'll be able to accomplish so many great things~!" 

Danny laughed while Katheren rolled her eyes but not without an amused look.

"Well, that's worth the wait. At least we're going into their good graces. Well, except one..." He said.

We all stared at the Headmaster of Slytherin, Professor Severus Snape.

"Speaking off, you two have a class with him. Let's hope that nothing too strange happens..." I said, looking worried for Danny and Harry. 

As soon as lunch was finished, we separated and I ended up with Katheren in our class.

'I hope they'll be fine...' I thought before looking over at our teacher.

His name was Professor Quirell, and he's the worst teacher in the entire school. I mean it from the bottom of my heart, but he sucks. Even more than the History of Magic teacher.

He was stuttering throughout the entire day, his teaching didn't make sense, and to top it off, Katheren and I had our suspension about him. 

'This is going to be a long-ass year...' I thought, seeing that Katheren is pissed as well.

'A long-ass year...'

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