Wear what you want to

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Me and Eddie were getting ready for school together and of course every time I leaned down to grab an article of clothing he smacked or grabbed my ass.
"That's gonna turn into muscle memory and you'll do it at school."
"I don't need muscle memory to do it at school"
He winked at me and gave my ass another squeeze.
"Fag. I can't decide between shorts and sweat pants."
"Both sound horrible for both style and comfort. Just wear one of your skirts."
"To school?"
"Yeah why not?"
"That's like saying we should kiss in front of the entire school at lunch."
"Well why not my dear?"
"Do you want to get hate crimed?"
"They already think hellfire is a cult. They'll just say it's the devils work on our young minds"
He did some little spooky hand gestures and gave me a kiss.
"Here how about this one. It's not too short but not too long to be some kinda thermal tent for your legs."
"Okay I'll try it just as long as you don't smack my ass at school."
"No promises darling y/n"
We walked into the school together and immediately there were eyes on us. More specifically me but Eddie always got his fair share.
"Okay I'll see you at lunch my friend I gotta go to calculus."
I waved him good bye and started walking to my first period class. On my way people stared and whispered and laughed at me. This was probably the worst idea imaginable. Maybe 20 years from now I'd be allowed to wear something like this without being glared at like I was insane or sick or disgusting. My the beginning of third people started flipping up the skirt or throwing things at me. Only a few gave me sympathetic looks but no one would've said anything. In all honesty I wouldn't either. As soon as I walked into class my teacher told me I was needed in the office. I walked in and was lectured on the strict dress code of boys and girls and how I was taking advantage of their disregard of gender specification in said dress code.
"If a woman can wear pants or a suit I should have every right to wear a skirt or a dress."
"I'll be calling your parents for such disrespectful behavior."
"Well I'm not sure how much my parents will care. One is dead and the other kicked me out with nothing but a duffel bag of clothes. May I go back to class?"
I was on the verge of tears and the principal just dismissed me back to class. After the class ended Eddie snatched me aside as usual.
"I'm so sorry I couldn't see you more today. Is everything alright? People keeps saying things."
"They started saying I wear girl's underwear and tried to flip up my skirt to see..."
"I dunno a few people"
"It's okay do you wanna skip the rest of the day?"
"No I can't the principal is on my ass about disrespect and taking advantage of the dress code."
"It's gonna be okay I'll walk you to your next class."
Eddie insisted on having his arm around me while walking me to my history class. We got more stares and there were more whispers and pointing. Jason and some other basketball kids walked right up to us and I looked down to try and avoid anything.
"What is that the only girl you could get Eddie?"
"He's a boy and a very handsome one actually."
"Awww da handsome lil boy in his handsome lil girl clothes"
"Hey shut your mouth at least he doesn't have to rely on clothing or sports to know he's more of a man than you."
"Oh is that so? Does he wanna prove it?"
He bent down to get eye level with me.
"Does the handsome girl boy wanna prove his a big strong man? Or are you gonna go cry to your momma?"
Eddie pulled me away and punched Jason in the jaw as hard as he could. Immediately the hallway exploded in the broken tension there was yelling and cheering and fists landing on faces. Eddie was getting beat up and so was Jason. I didn't want this. So what if I wore a skirt. I snatched a hard cover book from someone and ran up to the fight. I bashed Jason in the nose as hard as I could with the book. Jason stumbled back holding his nose and his friends crowded him all freaking out like he was some precious glass wear that had been horribly mistreated. I threw the book at the group and walked up to Jason.
"You're the most selfish, entitled, rich boy, spoiled little bitch in this entire school. You act like everything you do is for the glory and memory of the poor people who died in that fucking fire but the second of benefits you you're willing to bring my dead mother into the argument over a fucking skirt. A piece of circle fabric sewed into a new circle to be worn around someone's waist. You do not say things to seal the memory of your 'friends' you say things to push yourself higher in some make believe system and I'm gonna be honest Jason. Everyone's tired of your shit."
I grabbed Eddie's hand and walked away leaving everyone in silence.

Eddie Munson x Femboy reader (Hail eddie)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang