After sex cuddles

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Eddie gave me a gentle loving kiss while brushing the hair out of my face.
"Are you okay baby?"
My mind was still foggy and I wanted to just lay down and pass out for a bit.
"I'm gonna go start a bath for you okay love?"
Eddie walked out of the room leaving me tired on the now messy bed. When he came back he was in his boxers. He gently picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. He set me in the warm bath and I relaxed into the water. Eddie gently cleaned me up making sure to clean any of the scratches even if they didn't break skin. He littered me in gentle kisses and once I was cleaned up he went to change the sheets and let me relax in the bath. After he came back and got me out of the bath we went back to the bedroom and he picked out some comfy pajamas for me. He held me in his lap and I snuggled into his chest.
"Are you feeling okay baby?"
With my mind finally clear I looked up at him happily and kissed him on the nose.
"I feel amazing. I love you Eddie."
"I love you too y/n"
"... I'm probably making a mistake mentioning this but weren't you supposed to spank me?"
"I was rough enough with you already now sleep baby"
The rest of the night we cuddled in bed until we fell asleep holding each other close.

Bit of a short chapter but I just wanted to get the aftercare chapter done

Eddie Munson x Femboy reader (Hail eddie)Where stories live. Discover now