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Ya know what even if I wait for the good writers the kind I would write is pretty rare... so ima do it. Be aware it might not be the best but it should have decent grammar lol. If I do make it a smut it's gonna be a hot minute cus I'm not the best at those and I'd prefer to build up to it. I'll post it here just to keep it simple.

Edit: holy shit this has 30 views wtf I thought I would be able to procrastinate on this guess not lmao. Ight just so everyone knows if I do make it a smut it's gonna be a few chapters in but I'll add it to the chapter tittle so you can skip to it if you want. Y/n is ✨pretty little femboy✨ who might be jus a lil bit on the spectrum and has been friends with Eddie for a while. Tw there's gonna be mentions of drug use (but y'all knew that this is Eddie we're talking about) and plenty of ✨depression✨ if there's any sh or any sort of abuse(which I probably won't write) (scratch that home boy gets beat up a lot) I'll put a warning at the top of the chapter
TLDR: reader is a femboy lmao only thing that's happened at the point I'm writing is the mall fire and I don't feel like adding more lure so lmao no dead Chrissy

Eddie Munson x Femboy reader (Hail eddie)Where stories live. Discover now