"You're a smart boy"

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"Yes sugar?"
Eddie peeked around the corner to look into his room at me.
"Hey where'd you find those magazines!"
He rushed in and tried to take them but I quickly held them away.
"I know what it means"
I said in a little sing songs voice.
"You know what what means?"
"The handkerchief"
He gave me a puzzled look then sat down in the bed with me.
"Oh yeah? What's it mean baby?~"
He tilted my chin up a bit and got close enough I felt his breath on my lips.
"It means you're sm dom"
"Yeah? And what's that mean baby?~"
"Um... it means uh."
I started flipping through the magazine again and Eddie took the chance to snatch it out of my hands.
"I'll tell you when your bruises are gone"
"Awww but that's gonna take so long! Why do I have to wait till the bruises are gone?"
"You'll understand when I tell you baby now come eat. I made soup."
"What kinda soup?"
"The label was missing but it smells like mushrooms"
We ate our dinner and it tasted kinda like mushrooms but also kinda questionable. Me and Eddie took a shower together and he kept trying to kiss away my bruises until I was giggling and had to push him off. We got dried off and went to bed in our boxers together.
We have to go back into school today. Of course this time I wore a hoodie and long pants. I wore one of Eddie's Metallica tees under the hoodie. I don't want to go today. Everyone knows about me and Eddie now and I think I was hoping for expulsion so we wouldn't have to deal with anyone again. As we entered the building a few people stared but most were too busy with their own things. Eddie walked me to my first class and looked around a bit before giving me a kiss on the cheek. I walked into the classroom and there was a note on my desk. I hesitantly opened it and read it. No one had signed it but it said
"3pm you're dead fucking satanist"
Man this school suck ass. I gave the note to the teacher and asked if she could do anything about it. She said she couldn't confirm that I hadn't written it for attention and told me to sit down. I wonder if Eddie got a note like this.

Eddie Munson x Femboy reader (Hail eddie)Where stories live. Discover now