Gotta go fast

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The day is finally over. Me and Eddie decided it'd be best to keep an eye on each other from a distance but of course we sat together at lunch. He got a note like mine and said it was probably an empty threat. The glares from a particular group of boys throughout the day told me different. As soon as I stepped out of class someone snatched me up walking fast though the people in the halls.
"Eddie? What's happening?"
"Not an empty threat come on!"
I glanced back to see a group of boys shoving through people gaining on us.
"Fucking queers!!"
I quickly sped up and as soon as we were out of the crowd we ran for the doors to the parking lot and ran for Eddie's van. Once we got in Eddie shoved the keys in the ignition and not very carefully got out of the parking lot as fast as he could. I looked back to see the group of boys spitting in our direction, flipping the bird, yelling, anything they could do.
"Damn! Sorry babe I really wasn't expecting them to actually do anything. Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine are you alright?"
"Yeah I'm okay. Seems like the last few weeks are gonna be hell."
"Should we tell a teacher? I dunno if they'd do anything but I know mr. Munson would be ready to burn the school if they intentionally let you get beat up."
"Y/n he said you can call him Wayne ya know"
"I get nervous around adults."
Eddie reached over and held my hand with a small sigh. We drove the rest of the way to the trailer talking about every day stuff. I've been putting in job applications since Eddie's trying to get us an apartment with his friend Jeff. I want to help since he's gonna let me stay with them.
"I think Steve said he'd put in a good word for me at the family video."
"Harrington? Dustin's weird mom friend?"
"He's actually pretty nice. Of course Dustin glorifies him like no other but he's pretty alright."
"Well if he's good in your book he's good in mine."
I gave him a little kiss on the cheek as we arrived at the trailer.
"Uncle Wayne is working late tonight. Wanna get high?"
"Don't you have work tomorrow?"
"It's fine I can work after being high. It's not like a hangover."
"Well usually when we get high you end up fucking me senseless"
~~aaand time skip cus I realized this shits goin slow. It's next week now and they only have a week of school left~~
I got the job at family video so they have me working right after school until 8. Eddie picks me up and greets me with careful kisses after making sure no one's looking. Once we get to the trailer Wayne is already gone and we get to cuddle until we fall asleep.

Eddie Munson x Femboy reader (Hail eddie)Where stories live. Discover now