Chapter 17

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I wake up to the birds getting their morning snack, probably fighting over which one will get the biggest worm in the distance. 

When I try to sit up, strong arms hold me down to the bed. I slowly turn to face my husband, trying not to wake him up from my movement. His features still beautiful as always as the sun hits his dark black curls.

"Good morning sleepy," I kiss his forehead. He groans and just tiredly wraps his arms tighter around me. I chuckle and snuggle into his chest, not attempting to pull away from the warmth. 

I feel his lips press against my scalp and smile softly as he does so, looking up at him. When I do so he takes that as his chance for his morning kiss.

"Well you seem happy," I lean willingly into him as he kisses me. "It's just payback from you making me carry you up and wash you last night," His deep groggy morning voice huffs.

"We both know you enjoyed that," I roll my eyes at him. "Yeah I really did though," He admits willingly. "I like happy Omi though," I just snuggle back into him.

We stay like that for a while till Sakusa gets out of the bed to go do our morning routine. "Now what are you trying to do there?" HE raises an eyebrow at me as I attempt to get out of bed.

"I'm trying to help, but I can't really walk," I groan out and fall right back on the bed, knowing I can't help him. He chuckles at me and picks me up bridle style down the stairs.

"You just want to see El, don't you?" He kisses my forehead. "So what if I do?" I grunt out at him as he carries me outside to the pasture. "That's cool too," He shrugs and sets me on the ground next to the fences can see me horse.

"Hey she's like my second best friend here!" I pout tp him. "Who's the first then?" He asks as he goes through the gate to feed the horses and give them water. "You, silly!" I smile brightly at him when he turns to look at me.

He smiles back and bends down to kiss me through the fence in between us. "Well Karma is my first best friend," He remarks as he pulls away from the kiss. I scowl at him, even though he was just making a joke.

When I silently watch El and pet her when she comes over, he realizes that I didn't take his jok very well, and decides that the best idea he could have was sneak up from behind and tickle me.

"What the fuc-" I jolt forward when I first feel him touching me. "Omi!" I screech out when he starts tickling me. "Stop it idiot!" I laugh.

"Sorry, no can do," He continues to tickle me as he smiles as I laugh. Seeing that special smile melt my heart, knowing my laughing is the one that made him smile like this.

"Ok Omi," I gasp out from my laughs. "I can't actually," I gasp again. "I can't breathe bastard!" I laugh out. "Shit sorry," He immediately stops and checks if I'm okay.

I lay my body on his and smile up at him. "I don't think I've ever been better Omi." 


I wake up to a retching in my stomach. I shoot out of bed and quickly rush down the stairs to get outside, cause lord knows how hard it would be to clean up throw up off the floor.

"Atsumu what's wrong?!" Sakusa shouts at me as he rushes down the stairs to get to me. At that moment I throw up, falling on my knees in the process.

"Fuck, what's going on?" He kneels down next to me and puts the back of his hand against my forehead to see if I am sick.

"Omi I'm fine," I smile weakly at him, then resting my head on him. "I think I just ate something bad," I try to reassure him, but he doesn't buy it.

"No you aren't fine," He pulls me into him and hugs me. "You need to rest so you can feel fine," He scolds me. "You've been working yourself way to hard lately."

"Ok I'm sorry Omi," I sink deeper into him from exhaustion of just throwing up. He sighs and puts me on his back. 

"You can't keep overworking yourself like this Atsu," He continues to lecture me.

After we get back upstairs he lays me carefully down on our bed. He then puts a cool towel on my forehead, also making sure I was comfortable. He kept asking if I was sick and I kept telling him no.

I knew the reason why though. I was most likely pregnant with his child. Instead of blood coming out of my vagina, I throw up my weeks worth of blood. The only reason he hasn't found out about it yet was because I have a couple minutes warning before I throw up, so I can go down to the river.

It's been nine days past from when I should've thrown up and 14 days from when we had sex. What scares me is the actual birth. The only way I could survive is a C-section, and that would mean we would have to go down to the village an hour away from here.

"Atsumu are you sure you're fine? You've been spacing out for quite a while," Sakusa asks, interrupting my thoughts.

"Sakusa I need to go down to the village for something," I blurt out without thinking. He just stared at me, eyes a little wide open. I realize what I said and cover my mouth, shaking my head.

"You know I didn't mean to say that Omi," I tell him as I reach out for his hand. "I was just thinking and it slipped out-"

"You only say my real name when it's something serious..." He thinks aloud, looking into my eyes. "What were you thinking about that was so serious?"

I look back at him on the verge of tears and hug him, trying not to cry. He hugs me back, telling me everything will be okay and that's what makes me break down, sobbing into his chest.

"Fuck Kiyoomi, I'm pregnant with your child!" I sob out, sitting up and looking into his eyes. He looks at me in shock, not knowing what to say.

"W-What?" He looks at me in shock. I cover my face with my hands, not meaning to say that. "Hey calm down," He reaches for my hands when I start to hyperventilating. "Hey you need to breathe Atsumu." He makes me look at him, counting to five to help control my breathing.

Once I am calm enough to talk, I tell him about my whole intersex situation all the way up to the pregnancy. "Atsumu, why are you crying about that?" He asks then kisses me happily. "We're going to be parents!" He showers me in love, staring at me starry eyed.

" I don't know, I just thought you would see me differently and-" He just laughs at me and hugs me onto the bed. "I've never admired you more," He kisses my forehead and gives me a big smile.

"Omi," I cry happily and snuggle into him. He just laughs again and again while continuing to shower me in love, also kissing the tears off my my face.

After awhile he looks down at my stomach. "Can I touch it?" He asks softly, making me smile. "Of course you can silly, but they've barely even grown into anything yet," I chuckle at him.

He caresses my still flat stomach, then looks up at me. "That's okay! Knowing that I helped make something for us and the whole world is fine for me!" He kisses my stomach then me. "They're going to do great things one day, I know it."

(Hey guys! After a whole lot of breaks and writing, we are finally starting to reach the climax! Thank y'all for all the support and just for reading this! I love y'all a whole ton!)

(Also thank you @kwash-chan and @mika-miya for always voting and reading this! I'm always happy to see that y'all voted on this, knowing I've kept y'all's attention for this long 😭)

Anyways stay safe and I love y'all <333

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