Chapter 15

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After constant nagging and whining, I finally nursed Sakusa back to health. He was stubborn and always wanted to help with anything when he should be in bed resting. 

"Sakusa Kiyoomi, that has probably been one of the longest weeks of my life," I cross my arms at him, who is now perfectly fine, and all his injuries have healed up fast.

"I'm sorry~" He pleads for me to except his apology. 

"You know I can't stay mad at you," I sigh and look at him, still glaring but it's hard to when I see his whole face light up when I say that.

"I love you!" He scoops me up and attacks me in kisses and love.

"Omi, put me down!" I shriek from the sudden change of motion. Of course, he decides not to hear me and continues to shower me in love, now moving us over to the bed where he can more easily kiss me.

Once we hit the bed he stops for a second and looks at me, then moves his kisses to my lips instead of my cheek.

The sudden change startles me, but soon I realize what is going on and kiss back. The kiss starts off as a loving passionate kiss, but the longer we kiss, the more aggressive and hungry the kiss gets from both of us. 

"Atsu, can we have sex?" Sakusa asks when we both come for air. "Like all the way sex, not just fingering."

My face turns a bright red and I turn my head away from him. After I get to a point to where I can speak to him I respond. "Fine... But only if we go slow."

I see his eyes sparkle when I agree and can't help but smile a bit.

"I promise I will try to make you as comfortable as you can!" He promises and kisses me all over. He starts with my lips but then starts trailing kisses down my jaw line to my neck.

My eyes widen a bit, seeing how fast he is to get going. When he nibbles on a spot I let out a small mewl, trying to force it down even though it caught me off guard.

He stops what he's doing and his eyes also widen with a bit of shock, but then goes back with a hint more of lust in his actions.

He starts leaving hickeys' all over my neck, making it hard to see my actual skin color from all the red and purple marks.

"You look flustered, Atsu," Sakusa smirks and looks up at me from biting at my neck. "Shut up..." I murmur and look away from him, not wanting to make eye contact at the moment.

"How about you come over here and make me?" He asks, acting all innocent, when he really does know what he is doing and I just glare at him.

"Alright, fine," I sit up a bit to look him in the eyes better. "Challenge excepted," I cross my arms across my stretched out shirt.

I scoot a bit closer to him and then once close enough I wrap my arm around his neck and press my forehead against his. He wraps his arms around my waist and smiles at my sudden confidence.

I then gently press my lips to his accepting the challenge he had set me up for. Our lips fit perfectly together like a puzzle piece. It almost made it seem like we were really meant to be together.

"Damn, what made you so confident Atsu?" He uses that seductive, low voice of his and put his mouth right next to my ear. He then blows right behind my ear, making me give out a shiver, as it was one of my sensitive spots. "Sensitive there, aren't we?"

"Omi.. Stop teasing me you bastard," I gasp out as I try to form a full sentence without stopping as he continues to blow behind my ear.

He completely ignores my comment and then gets in a more comfortable position and starts to leave kisses behind my ear. "Omi~" I groan out as he continues to leave kisses.

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