Chapter 2

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Atsumu POV

"I hate our job," I grumble to my twin brother, Osamu. It has been 4 years since I had seen Omi. Ever since that bomb was set, war broke out. I remember I was put into the Southern Army, while Omi was put in the northern.

"Were you even listening to what I was saying?" Osamu asks me? He is wearing our black uniform and white pants. Well, everyone is. "Nope," I respond to him. He just glares at me.

"As I was saying, our group is going to be moved closer to the Northern border," He tells me as we patrol the gates. "The king wants us to try to truse, meaning one of us will have to go meet a northern soldier and attempt to have them go to the Northern King, and have him truse," He says as he comes to a stop and looks at me. "And our team thinks you will do the best at convincing them," He mumbles while looking at his shoes.

"You guys what?!" I whisper yell. "I have the job to go meet up with a Northern Soldier, and what do you want me to do?" I continue to quietly make my point with my brother, without making a scene. "Ask them if they wanna go out for coffee?" I ask sarcastically, throwing my hands up in the air. 

"I don't know, you'll figure it out!" He whisper yells at me. I'm pretty sure everyone around us thinks he are snakes or something of that sort. "This is going to be a long couple of days," Osamu grumbles.

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"You ready for this Atsumu?" Kita, our captain, asks me. Kita is around your average height, and has white and black hair. "Yeah you got this!" Aran, Kita's boyfriend, cheer me on. Aran is a tall, black man, with a lightly shaved head. Aran and Kita were basically soulmates. 

"Yeah I'm ready!" I try to sound as reassuring as possible. "Good, cause the outcome of the war all lays on your shoulders," Osamu smirks and puts his arm around my shoulder before I smack it off.

"Don't let him get to you, Atsumu," Suna, Osamu's boyfriend, and my friend, tells me. Suna has brown hair that kinda stuck out at the sides, and is a bit of a bastard. "But he's not lying at the same time," He tells me and runs over next to Osamu, and walks with him.

I am the only one single in this group. Well unless you count Sakusa as my boyfriend. Of course my brother got his boyfriend put with him, and Kita-san got to have Aran-san, which they weren't dating til a little bit after we got zoned into the southern army. I happened to be the only one to get seperated from my love. I wish this war never did happen. Me and Sakusa could have lived happily with each other, like my brother and Suna. Lucky Bastard.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear Kita announce that we are here. "Good luck, Atsumu," He says while nudging me forward a bit. "Let's hope this turns out well," I mumble and walk forward.

One step, two steps, three steps. I mentally keep track of how many steps I'm taking. By 243 steps I make it to a group of  people. Since we were from the southern, walking into the northern, only one of us could go.

"Are you Miya Atsumu?" A deep voice asks me. He has a like bit of spike in his brown hair. He also has deep brown eyes, and seems like he wasn't going to be the nicest person here. 

"Yes," I tell him, tilting my head down a bit. "And you might be?" Bringing my head up a bit, but enough so I could look him in the eyes. He is a little bit shorter than me, but that didn't make him any less scarier. 

"I'm Iwaizumi, leader of the group," He tells me. "This is Oikawa," He points to the skinnier man in brown hair. Not gonna lie but he looks like someone I would get along with. "And this is Sakusa," He points to the man with black hair, and looks awfully like my Sakusa. I stare at him for awhile, and he stares back. "He will be the one that you will be talking with for the meeting y'all have called," Iwaizumi informs me.

When Me and Sakusa get out of sight from the others we stop walking. 

"Is that really you, Omi Omi?" I ask him as tears start to form in my eyes.

"Is that actually you, Miya?" He asks me as tears stream down his face.

"Omi Omi!" I cry out and jump into his arms.

We stay like that for awhile, letting the new information set in.

"I-I just can't believe it's you!" I stammer.

"Neither can I," He tells me and untangles our arms.

"You don't know how hard it's been for these past 4 years," He whispers in my ear.

"Well we're here now, and that's all that matters!" I smile.

After awhile he asks, "Can I kiss you Miya?" While looking into his eyes I respond with one word.


( Hey guys! So I am really enjoying writing this story, and I hope y'all enjoy reading it. I've been working hard to make this the best way possible, and it can still use some work, but I'm getting there. I will try to post Chapter 3 sometime this week! I didn't even really think that I would get Chapter 2 posted today, but here we are! Sorry this chapter was a little bit shorter! I actually didn't think about the actual part of how they find a way to find each other again and fall in love in my story guide, so it may be a bit scrambled in the next chapter or two. Love y'all and stay safe! <333 )

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