His Pov

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"I'm hungry...."

The little boy walked around the streets searching for food.

He was barefoot and had dry lips. His clothes were torn.

As he walked around he saw many kids playing around happily, smiling and laughing.

"Hey, little kid!" Someone called

He turned and looked at the man

"Wanna come with me ?" He asked squatting down to his level
"You won't be hungry again if you do. You just need to do.........something  that's all." He smiled at him

There was a rumbling sound coming from him. The man

He gulped. The man laughed and messed up his head.

He was starving and it was very hard for him to get even a bit of food every day.

"So.. will you come with me ?"

He nodded slowly.

"Great. Let's go then ." The man extended his hand and he took it. "Don't worry we'll give you food ."

He was taken to a big building.

"This might hurt a bit." A woman warned him and injected some liquid into his body.

He clenched his fists and bit the lower part of his lips to prevent himself from screaming.

"Ok, it's done."

"Here." She passed him some food to eat.

'He didn't lie.' He thought

Over the years they kept injecting the liquid into his body. Sometimes it wouldn't pain much, but sometimes the pain was overwhelming.
So painful that he thought he was dying. Even on those nights when he hadn't eaten for days and lay on the cold streets to sleep he didn't feel this much pain.

Even after the injection, his body sometimes starts to ache suddenly and he feels breathless like something was choking him. No matter how much he screamed and begged no one could help him.

They kept their word though and fed him. He wasn't starving like he was before. He just felt this... pain.

He tried to hold on and endure it for them but at one point, the pain became too much to bear. It was worse than all the other things he had gone through. He felt it then... That this was the end... that he couldn't take this much longer and he would soon breathe his last.

That was when she arrived.
Her one touch calmed him and his body didn't ache anymore.

She asked him if he wanted to leave with her.

Even though they fed him, he didn't want to feel the pain again, so he chose to leave with her.
' I'm sorry.'

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