Where it all started ?

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"Sweetheart, know that I love you. No matter what I'll always love you."
He kissed her cheeks hurriedly

"Hey! Come out or else we'll barge in!"
"We will offer you a chance once more , come join us and work with us. If you still don't we'll take you by force anyway." He smirked.

"I'll hold them back. Go to Fidel, Evelyn."

He kissed his wife and kissed his daughter's forehead again.
"Be safe my lovely baby."

She ran outside with her daughter.
Fidel was standing near his car.
She handed him her daughter

She smiled lovingly at her daughter and looked at the man who held the little girl
"Please take care of her Fidel."

"I will" he promised as he held the child to prevent her from running.

"But what about you and Brian ?"
When she did not reply he told her,
"Please... stay safe. At least for the sake of your daughter."

"Thank you for everything" She told him.

"Mommy , please be careful. Don't get hurt. You and Daddy must be alright."
She told her while tears fell from her eyes .

She wiped the tears and kissed her cheeks and smiled
"Stay strong, my darling. None of this is your fault. You deserve to be happy."

And with one last look at her daughter she ran back into the house.

"Mommy...." The child whispered with tears in her eyes.

As they were moving away she remembered that her mother had never promised that she and her father would be safe.
She looked out of the window and saw smoke but it started to rain heavily and the smoke was gone like it was never there before .

She couldn't think much about it as the car took a harsh turn and sped up
"Reine put on your seatbelt." He commanded looking back through the mirror.
They were being chased .

"TREE!" Reine screamed
Fidel tried to get out but the car got stuck in the landslide and was pushed down.
Their chasers caught up with them and saw the remains of the car that they were travelling in.
"LET'S GO BACK! THE WEATHERS GETTING WORSE." One of them shouted as the rain got worse with lightning flashes and thunderclaps

They drove away completely oblivious to the young man that stepped out from behind the trees and the unconscious little girl in his arms.

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