Burning it down

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The man rushed out of the elevator widening his eyes, towards the place where the scream was coming from.
Reine followed him.

Ever since the elevator opened she felt...weird. That was the only way to describe it.

The man stopped in front of a room. The door was locked and there was a double-sided glass next to it.

Through the double-sided glass, she could see a boy on the other side.

He had black hair.

"What happened ?" The man asked the people standing there but before they could reply, the boy screamed louder.

No matter how much the boy screamed out in pain, none of them went inside to help him.

Slowly the boy opened his eyes and looked at the place where Reine was, hidden from the others.

She frowned and returned his gaze
'Can he see me ?'

'It might be a coincidence. ' she tried to convince herself but the weird feeling still didn't go away.

"He seems different from the others."

Reine moved away from them.
"Different how ?" She asked in a low voice

"He is not like the people here. A little bit like you but also... not ." Ondine explained

She looked around and saw a room filled with documents.

"Ondine, are there any people inside?"

"No, everyone's gathered outside the room with that child."

She walked inside.

"Ondine, please transport all of these documents to the tent."

"Alright. Don't get hurt."

She walked outside towards the room where the boy was,
"Run outside if you want to live."

The people flinched when they heard her voice and looked around.

"Who-who's there?"

"Don't say I didn't warn you." She replied.

"It's done."


She started to destroy the things around her. They tried to fight back but it was no use since they couldn't see her. They fled outside.

She huffed.


"I'm here."

And then she closed her eyes concentrating as she felt a sudden refreshing feeling passing through her.

She took a deep breath and broke the door.

Hearing the sound he flinched, breathing heavily.

"I'm not here to hurt you." She whispered.
As he tried to move away from her, he winced.

"Stay still." She commanded him and touched his forehead closing her eyes.

He flinched again when she touched but slowly his body stopped hurting and he calmed down and took steady breaths.

He opened his eyes and looked at her
"We don't have much time."

"Do you want to stay here or come with me ?"
He didn't want to feel the excruciating pain again.

"Please.." he rasped " let-let me come wi-with you."


"There isn't anybody in the building except the 2 of you."


"Cover your ears .." She told him

After he did that she gently lifted him.

"Ondine. Destroy the building after we go out."

"Got it."

She went out of the building with the boy in her arms, back to her tent, leaving behind a fiery mess and a trail of destruction in her wake.

This... This was just the beginning.

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