Chapter Five | Saaghan

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Warnings: Very minor injuries


 At the stables, Larkia was brushing sweat off Sleipnir's dappled coat. I knew coming back down here would be a bad idea but I needed to convince Lark to forgive me. She turned her head to face where the sound of footsteps was coming from. When she saw me, her face dropped.

"Lark," I said. "Before you say anything, I want to say I'm sorry for leaving you behind in detention, and also, you shouldn't be mad at Quinn. I'm the one who told him to play with Zorox's memory."

Larkia approached me. I took a step back to avoid getting another slap.

"I'm not going to hit you," laughed Lark. "It's been lonely here by myself. We can truce," she reached out her hand.

I shook her hand. This was unexpected but I was pleased to have my friend back.

"Ow!" I exclaimed and lurched backward.

I looked down and there was a shallow but bloody gash across the palm of my hand.

"Larkia!" I felt the cut stinging. "You cut me!"

"I said truce," said Lark with an entertained smirk. "I didn't say I forgave you."

"Well, that's not very truce-y of you," I said, shaking my hand in a failed attempt to relieve the pain. "Are we friends?"

"Yes, Ezra," said Lark. "We are friends."

Thank God. I thought to myself.

"Let me just put away Sleipnir," said Larkia. "Then we can go to the common room and catch up."

Larkia must've been pretty lonely to have gone back to her normal self this quickly. She had calmed down significantly since the last time I saw her which surprised me.

I had told Lark about escaping and she decided to join us. She had some ideas of her own to help us too.

"We could use the horses," she suggested. "That way we could cover more ground. Hopefully, this place isn't an island. It has a lot of water surrounding it but for all we know, it could be a peninsula."

Another surprise for me was that Quinn had agreed to coming with us. I suppose Elijah had tried hard to convince him.

"How?" Asked Quinn. "If I'm not mistaken, you, Larkia, are the only one who is capable of riding a horse."

"Erm," Larkia thought for a moment. "I guess I could teach you the basics," she shrugged.

"But what about Aspen?" I asked. "Sure she doesn't spend a lot of time with us but she wouldn't want us to leave her behind."

"You're right," said Elijah. "We should talk to her."

"I think I know where she'll be," I said. "She's usually hanging around Saaghan Sonyeon."

Elijah grimaced. "Oh, God," he said. "You know I hate him."

"I am aware of that," I said. "You've made that clear many times."

We all walked through the corridors in search of Saaghan and his friends. It felt better being with everyone again rather than alone.

It wasn't long before we found them. We approached Aspen and she was surprised to see us all together, it had been a while.

Before we could say anything, the large group stopped walking. Saaghan left the front of the group and everyone watched as he strutted over to me.

"Caedis!" He said as though he knew me. "Good to see you! Would you mind coming with me? I want to talk to you," then added loudly to make sure everyone heard him, "Alone."

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