Chapter One | Lupadura (Five Years Later)

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Lupadura Academy. It is a school for teenagers with special abilities. Not just something boring like being a math whiz or a good football player. Magical abilities for us to use for wicked purposes. At first, they didn't tell us we'd be villains in case we rebelled but they slowly eased us into it and now it doesn't seem so bad. In fact, it actually seems quite fun.

My name is Ezra Caedis. I am a student here. My gift is quite simple. I can make people see things that aren't there or make people not see things that are there. It's almost impossible for me to not use it for mischief in school. It also can help stop me from going to detention. I can easily put an illusion of myself in Headmaster Adium's office and he'd never know it wasn't me. I can also make people not see things. I use that when I need to hide.

Gifted students come to Lupadura from all over the world to study villainy. The academy is the only academy of evil that I know of. I'm not exactly sure where the academy is either.

I was from Canada but came here when I came of age and my abilities began to show. It was odd to be able to make people see things that others don't.

We never go back home and never contact our families. Our families aren't allowed to know where we go or what we do. When we are taken from our homes, they have a sort of powder sprinkled into their faces and are knocked out cold. By the time they wake up, they forget they ever had their magical child. I've been here for nearly four years now and many times I almost forgot what it was like back in Canada but not quite. I still miss my family but I have my friends here. I suppose they are my family now.

I have a few friends but my best friend is Elijah Dorcha. He was my first friend at Lupadura. I knew him even before we came to the academy.

Sometimes Elijah and I try to figure out where Lupadura Academy is. All we know is that it's in the northern hemisphere as it is winter here in December. We haven't narrowed down a more specific area yet.

Elijah and I also planned on leaving and venturing into the real world. We were sick of being here. We couldn't be bothered graduating and I doubt I will too soon as I've already caused enough chaos at this school.

Occasionally my friends and I discussed our old lives but that was quite rare. None of us talked much about our childhoods, not since we first came here. I think we just like trying to forget about it since we'll never get to go back to our families anyway, or maybe some of us don't want to remember. I'd never been to Elijah's house before we were taken and from what my parents told me, I think it was for a good reason.

We all stayed here with the many other students until we graduated. Then we'd become real villains and go back out into the world to use our gifts for what we spent years training for.

Today, however, there was to be yet another day of school. I was sick of doing this every single day. I wanted to leave, and so did Elijah. We were sure that we knew enough. We just needed to forge a plan.


Author's Note: 

Hello, dear reader! I have finished the first proper chapter of the story and it is pretty short but it is only an introduction. More is coming soon!


Random Info:

Word count: 634 words

Date and time written: 3/5/2022, 10:13pm

Listening to: wish you were gay – Billie Eilish

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