Prologue (Five Years Previously)

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Warnings: Anorexia


Both of them were unconscious. My mother sat on the sofa, leaning against the back of it with her head rolled backward over the headrest. My father sat next to her with his head on her shoulder.

I moved my eyes from my parents to the man who was sitting at the dining table in front of me. He was tall with mousy grey hair and a handlebar moustache. He appeared to be middle-aged and his face almost always seemed calm.

"Could I have a cup of tea?" Asked the man with a heavy English accent. "I've been on quite the journey to get here and I have a few more stops to make after you."

"Tea?!" I yelled standing up and shoving the table forwards and into him. "Dear God! You come into my house, give my parents whatever the hell that drug was and knock them out, tell me I have magic powers and that you want to take me to some silly little school, and now ask for tea!" I recounted what had happened in the past twenty minutes then said, "I don't even know your name!"

I was furious and confused, this was a lot for a twelve-year-old to take in, but a part of his story made sense. Ever since my most recent birthday, odd things had been happening. Things would appear out of thin air and then disappear again. I thought perhaps I was going insane but according to what this strange man had told me, I was making it happen.

But magic isn't real, is it? I asked myself. This isn't a fairytale.

I continued to remind myself that none of the magic power nonsense he told me was true until something happened that would change my mind.

The man stood up and straightened the front of his open black trenchcoat. He then made a quick motion with his hand and his chair lost its mahogany colour and turned a dark shade of gray. It moved back neatly under the table before returning to its original appearance. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"I am Melios Adium," he said introducing himself. "But you are to call me 'Headmaster Adium' as I am the one who owns the 'silly little school' that you are to attend whether you like it or not."

I didn't say anything. I was still in shock from what I had just seen.

"And as you don't appear to be getting me some tea, we'd best be off," said the man who I now knew was Headmaster Adium, whose calmness had seemed to turn a little passive-aggressive. "Follow me now, Mr Caedis."

This would've been a brilliant opportunity but I didn't want to leave my family or my friends. I knew I'd feel a little bad for them if they awoke and I had disappeared.

"No," I said, standing my ground. "I won't go with some freak who just entered my home and wants to take me away."

"I see you want it done the hard way," sighed the headmaster, pulling something out of his pocket. He had a small box and he took a pinch of blood-red powder out of it before flicking it into my face. It all happened so quickly that I couldn't escape and everything slowly faded to black.

I awoke from my slumber on a bottom bunk in what looked like a cabin. I sat up and looked around. I felt the floor rock underneath me. Where was I? I thought to myself, Was I on a boat?

I was about to get up when something startled me. A head popped down from the bed above me, but it was not just any head. To my surprise, it was my best friend of seven years, Elijah Dorcha. I couldn't believe he was here too.

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