Yawning, he stretched beside me. Was I caught red handed? I bit my lip in tension.

"So, what shall we do today?" He asked.

"What do you want to do?" I asked him in return.

"It's your place. You say." He said.
Yeah! It's my place and I myself feel like an outsider here.

"First let's get freshened up and fill our tummies." I suggested.

"I'll be back very soon." He said and rushed out of my tent.

And within no time we got freshened up and our tummies were full. And we just kept on roaming around leisurely talking about the random stuff.

It just feels like many pairs of eyes were on me. Am I being paranoid? I don't know but I know one thing.

Roaming around freely like this is definitely a bad idea. I shouldn't have agreed for all this in the first place. I should have been strong on my stand. By doing all these I'm inviting more humiliation to me. What am I even thinking? It's time now. I need to back out.

I looked up at Michael. He is so engrossed in the cute steps the little fellows are performing on the little stage.

I opened my mouth to speak with him but stopped when a huge grin was spread on his face. I just couldn't take my eyes off his grinning face. Why am I becoming weak around him? Why am I desiring to spend time with him?

Ugh, Mia! You do need this.

Do I really need this? It's been only me for many years. So is it wrong for me to desire a lovely company? Can't I just have this small happiness?

And what mostly can happen if anyone sees us? They will spill my truths to Michael and he'll just go away. That's it. Nothing more. And then I'll be back to my alone self. So what's wrong with having a company for a few days? Afterall he will go back for sure. He is here just for his vacation. He'll definitely go back one day.

In the meantime he might or might not know about my truths. If he finds out my truths, what will happen to me? Nothing. No gain or no loss for me in this case. So why am I even stressing myself this much.

Just enjoy these little free days you got for yourself, Mia!

"Awww… they are so cute!"

"They are so energetic!"

The comments and the roar of claps around me brought me back from my thoughts.

I again looked up at Michael and found him whistling. My heart warmed and a huge grin spread on my lips.

I'm going to enjoy these few days in my life and make them blissful. After all, all my blissful memories from my childhood have slowly started fading away. Why not make some fresh memories?

That's how our remaining 7 days went. Michael made friends with the tourists and their kids. He played with them, and did mischievous things with them. I think he just attracts kids like a magnet.

We enjoyed the little waterfalls. Tasted all the varieties of foods that were available.

Walked in the woods until our legs went dumb.

We spent every minute together and either slept in his tent or mine.

He kept on talking about his friends and mostly about Sebastian and Sanju. As I have already met Sebastian, I want to meet Sanju but I know it won't happen.

With each passing day I feel so connected with him. It's making me happier and also scaring the shit out of me.

On the last night of camp, most of the people left and few stayed back to spend the night. We decided to go back and packed our things.

Once upon a playboy ✓ (Spin-Off Of Far yet Closer)Where stories live. Discover now