Verando was unable to keep his mouth off of me as I struggle to come up with an answer, sinking his teeth into my hip with as much restraint as he could muster. Skirting his nose over my skin, he growls low in his throat, a deep sound of animalistic desire. "Gods, what you do to me." He breathes, tracing his tongue over the bite mark in a sensual kiss. "I'm growing impatient with how long you're taking."

My cheeks flush and I stare at the ceiling, once more he takes me into his mouth. I gasp, shutting my eyes as I plead for relief. I'd lost track of how long he'd been servicing me, bringing me so close to the point of release only to back off and let me coast back down. Attempting the ropes once more, tugging them, twisting my wrists, it feels useless.

"Randy, this is worthless when I know you will come for me." It's a different angle, a side I hadn't explored yet. "I'm yours, you're going to come for me, I always find a way."

"Don't forget this is also a punishment." He reminds me as he hikes one of my legs over his shoulder to pull my hips to him. "Much as it is my inability to resist you. I'm only a man, I didn't get nearly my fill last night."

Much as he was my alpha, my dominant, he didn't like to see me suffer and this was a different circumstance than either of us was used to. The intensity of my urges was worse than any itch, more desperate than I'd ever experienced. 

What was wrong with me?

I'd been needy before, I'd wanted him, yearned for him, pleaded for him, but this was more than that. A physical need was at the forefront of my mind like a loud beacon pushing me to find relief. Nearly to the point of pain, it sent me through a flurry of emotions that proved extremely difficult to think around.

I was concerning everyone, and if it weren't for my nearly equal desperation for a child, it would be concerning me too. A heat cycle on a male was unheard of but, it wasn't as though lycans were studied. Especially magically enhanced ones, ones that lived with a child unicorn. My reddened cheeks, the heat rushing to my face, I feel his hand brush my face. "Are you alright?"

"Please don't." It comes out quicker than I can stop it, I couldn't think about it right now. I was so sick of everyone worrying about me, I was immortal, a lycan, there was no more reason to worry about me. I could not be killed. "I really am trying. You're driving me mad and I can't think straight." The smell of him filled my nose, pushing me closer to the edge. "You know damn well what I want."

He gathers my hips in his arms, moving to his knees as he lifts me, his mouth on my entrance. I'm completely contorted, at the end of the rope, trying to make sense of the burn that coursed through my body. I moan loudly, cursing under my breath, I fumble with my ropes in a desperate attempt to free myself.

"At this rate, you're going to be here all day." He teases. "We have a flight at 2, I wouldn't be too horribly put out if we missed it." Wrapping his hand around my length, he strokes as his mouth is on me once more. In this position, there's nothing I can do to respond, nothing I can contribute to gain the friction I so desperately wanted and needed.

"I need a moment to think." I manage, breathless. So close, my legs desperately want to straighten but at the same time, I plead with him not to stop.

"That's not how being a captive works, darling."

Gritting my teeth, I yank on my restraints with a snarl, "I've been captured and tortured, I'm well aware of the situation. Those captors also weren't nearly as generous with their tongues. How can I escape with you doing this? There's no motivation- Ah!" 

Allowing me to slide down his body, I collapse on the bed breathlessly, heart pounding in my chest as I attempt to clear my head. My warlord on his knees between my legs brings color to my cheeks as I rake my eyes over that glorious body and writhe in my own skin. The flexed abdominals, the lightly tanned skin glistening with a thin layer of sweat.

Ascension - Book Eight - Man x ManWhere stories live. Discover now