|Chapter 7|

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•3rd POV•
Itadori was waiting at Choso's porch, when he felt someone tap his shoulder, Yuji turns his head to see Choso, "Sorry I took so long." Said Choso, "You're fine. So, where do you wanna go first?" Itadori questioned.

Itadori and Choso walking to Blue Panda  Café, talking and stuff. "You look nice by the way." Said Choso, he didn't seem to mind that Itadori was wearing a skirt, "Awe! Thank you!" Said Itadori, 'Nailed it!' Choso thought. "We made it." Said Itadori.

"I want to show you something that happened last night." Said Itadori, he takes out his phone and shows Choso the pictures that he took last night. "Woah. And this happened last night?" Choso questioned, Itadori nods in confirmation.
"Thanks for hanging out Cho'." Said Itadori, Choso let's out a light chuckle, and ruffles Yuji's hair, "No problem. I'm glad that I could spend time with you." Said Choso, Yuji smiles and hugs Choso.

"I'll see you." Said Itadori, Choso gives a small wave and walks back to his house (In case you couldn't understand, Choso was walking Yuji home). "Feels good to be home." Said Itadori, he unlocks the front door, walks in and closes it. Yuji heard a meow, catching his attention, "Hi Midnight!" Itadori picks up the cats and kisses his forehead.

Dinner was being made, and then Itadori told Alexa to turn on some music, and another one of Itadori's favorites came on.

(This song is so good!)

Itadori instantly began to vibe with the song, he likes it and the song was a bop. "There we go! Dinner is ready!" Said Itadori, "Alexa. Turn off music." Itadori added, he didn't want to hear the same song on repeat.
Everyone ate, the dishes were washed, and now all Itadori had to do was shower, get dressed and go to bed, he was tired and didn't feel like doing anything else.

Yuji came out if the bathroom wearing a T-shirt crop top and some grey sweatpants. "C'mon guys. Let's go to bed, I'm tired as Fu*k." Said Itadori, he let out a yawn. Yuji crawls into bed and falls asleep almost instantly, snoring softly.
There we go! Another chapter done. The are going to turn human in the next chapter, so ya'll are in for a treat.

Take care.👋

"Who Are These Cuties?" JJK Cats x ItadoriWhere stories live. Discover now