|Chapter 4|

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•3rd POV•
Itadori and Kugisaki were walking to an amusement park. "You didn't tell me we were going to an amusement park." Said Yuji, "I wanted it to be a surprise." Said Nobara, Yuji smiles, Nobara can be sweet, sometimes.

Nobara was riding on a huge rollercoaster meanwhile Itadori watches in the distance, he aware that he gets motion sick and he doesn't want to puke on anybody on said rollercoaster, so many twisted and unusual directions, he would not be able to handle that without throwing up.

Nobara came back from the ride, and he legs were shaking, Yuji keeps a laugh in and goes to help his bestie. "You gud?" Itadori asked, Nobara shook her head, "I DEEPLY regret riding that rollercoaster!" Said Kugisaki, Itadori chuckles.
Itadori carries Nobara back to her house, "You gonna be ok?" Itadori asked, Nobara nods, "Just rest your legs." Said Itadori, Nobara nods once again.

'The woman was too stunned to speak.' Itadori thought, he tries his hardest not to laugh, that meme from TikTok really gets him sometimes.

Itadori made it back home, and he was greeted by Blanc(Gojo) and Knox(Todo), Itadori chuckles and picks up the two cats, "I'm guessing you two missed me the most." Said Itadori, the two meow in response, making Itadori smile softly.

Yuji was up stairs in the bathroom, showering, listening to music, singing his heart out, then the music stopped, Yuji peeked through his curtain to see that someone was calling him, it was another one of his friends, Choso.

"Choso! I haven't heard from you in a while! You doing alright?" Itadori said. Choso chuckles, "I'm doing alright. Just came to check on you and all." Said Choso. "That's sweet." Said Itadori.

After talking to Choso for a bit, Itadori said goodbye to his friend and hung up the phone. His thoughts were cut off by a meow. Feeling a little startled, he turns his head to see Rubio(Nanami) sitting on Yuji's bed, "Hey Rubio. You hungry?" Itadori asked, Rubio meows in response, "I'll take that as a yes." Yuji scoops up the cats and goes downstairs.
Y'all probably weren't expecting me to post two chapters in one day. Welp, I did and you're gonna like it.

Ok bye.👋

"Who Are These Cuties?" JJK Cats x ItadoriWhere stories live. Discover now