Chapter 5

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I ran as fast as I could and maybe 15 seconds into running I heard yelling.

I kept running until I couldn't smell and see the smoke of the campfire. I took a second to catch my breath, I bent down and put my hands on my weak knees.

"Who are you?" I heard a male British voice saying, fear filled me. I look up and saw a man with an attractive angular face. I looked at his hands and saw a hook instead for one of them!

"You're Captain Hook!" I shrieked. He seemed pleased that I knew who that was. His question registered in my mind and I answered. "I'm Violet Hale! Could you please help me escape this place! Please!"

He chuckled, "You clearly don't seem too fond of Pan. Of course I'll help you escape this wretched island." I gave him a skeptical look. Could this be my way of leaving?

"You can trust me. I would never a young girl like you. Let alone someone who isn't a friend of Pan." He must've sensed my skepticism.

"Thank you so much." I smiled happily, he nodded and told me to follow him back to his ship, The Jolly Roger'. I read the book Peter Pan back in 5th grade. Guess I should've been paying more attention. I decided to give him the nickname hook since I don't really feel like saying Captain Hook all the time, I think it would make me feel more weirded out by this whole situation.

After an hour of walking through the jungle we made it to the beach and I saw a big pirate ship. We walked on board and a short chubby man with a red beanie approached us. "Captain, who's this?" He said, looking at me.

Hook answered his question, "This is Violet, she's one of Pan's prisoners, I found her wandering in the jungle." He gestured with his hook to me, "We're helping her leave this Island." He finished and I smiled slightly at the last remark. Anything to back home with my family.

Hook told the man to show me a room where I'll be staying for a little bit since they still have a couple of things to do.

I followed the man with the red beanie down the stairs of the ship and he showed to a small room with a bed in it. I turned to thank him, "Thank you." I smiled.

"You're welcome Violet. I'm Smee." He extended his hand to me and I shook it. He left the room smiling. I like him.

After maybe an hour of just laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling, thinking of my family, Magnolia, my parents, and the twins. I miss waking up to Magnolia settling a silly fight with the twins. I miss walking downstairs and seeing my mom cooking bacon. I miss seeing Brian and his pretty blue eyes. I miss my two best friends.

I suddenly heard yelling and I sat up on the bed.

I couldn't hear what they were saying but chills ran up my spine when I heard the familiar voice of Peter yelling like a mad man at probably Hook about where I was.

Out of no where someone came barging through the room and I saw Peter, glaring angrily at me.

He ran right up to me and grabbed me by the shoulders tightly. "What did I say about running away again?!" He screamed in my face and shook me. "Get up! There's no one coming to save you."

I glared up at him. "I don't want to be here! You're crazy! Just please let me go home!" I begged and he raised his hand and slapped me so hard my face turned to the side. That's definitely going to leave a nasty bruise.

(Hooks POV)

My crew was tied up against the mass and I was fighting the urge to run down to save Violet but Pan told me if I did he would rip my shadow out.

Pan comes up the stares carrying Violet, holding her like a baby. Rage fills me when I spot the giant bruise on her cheek.

"What did you do to her?!" I yelled angrily and He glared at me.

"I have no reason to answer you, pirate." He gritted out. "Let this be a lesson. Violet is mine and I don't want to catch her with you and your crew ever again."

I glared at him as him and his lost boys left the Jolly Roger and disappeared into the jungle. I have to get her away from him.

(Violets POV)

My eyes started to flutter and I sat up and looked around. Tears filled my eyes when I realized I was back in Peters treehouse. Better luck next time. I remember what happened before I passed out and I put a hand on my left cheek. I hissed in pain, he actually hit me!

That monster!

When I see him I swear! I looked out one of the windows in the treehouse and saw it's night. I must've been passed out all day. Peter suddenly walked in and smiled when he saw I was awake. I saw Felix following behind him.

I stood up and charged at Peter. I threw a punch and he caught my arm. I winced in pain. He twisted it and glared at me. "What were you doing with those pirates?" He growled out and I ignore him, still trying to free my hand from his grasp.

"Answer me." He sneered and I gave up and glared up at him.

"I was trying to escape this horrible place you call home!" I spat with disgust and continued, "You disgust me! Everything yours disgusts me! Your treehouse!" I hit him in chest with my free arm.

"Your lost boys! Your food!" I yelled with so much anger and he grabbed me by the throat and banged me up against the wall. I started gagging from how hard he's holding my throat. I looked behind him and saw Felix staring at the two of us with wide eyes. Heh I honestly forgot he was in the room with us.

"Pan." Felix spoke softly. Peter ignored him and started choking me even harder. I start seeing spots as I continue coughing and gagging, trying to remove his hands from my throat. "Pan!" He yelled once again sounding more nervous.

He put an arm in between us and Peter finally let go. I fell to the ground and heard him slightly raise his voice at Peter.

"She's barely just a girl."

I continue gasping and coughing on the wooden floor of the treehouse. That bastard was going to kill me!

I felt someone pick me and carry me to the bed. It was Felix.

I could see Peter behind him trying to calm himself down. I guess my words must've hurt him some how. Good.

Felix handed me a cup of water which I took and downed it as fast as I could. A couple of more seconds and I could've been dead.

Peter walked out of the treehouse angrily and I sat there with Felix. He sat down on the bed with me and I laid my head down on his shoulders, still sniffling. If I want to escape this Island I've got to do something. I have to make him think I like it here, then when the opportunity to escape presents itself. He won't suspect anything.

Anything to get the hell out of here.

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