Chapter 12

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We rowed all the way to Skull Rock and we stepped out of the boat.

"Those are Henry's shoes." Emma pointed to the shoes on the sand floor while Neal took my hand and helped me out of the boat.

"Wendy was right, they're here." She continued and started walking towards the center of Skull Rock. Suddenly she flew backwards into the air and fell onto the floor.

We all ran towards her. "Are you okay?" Asked Neal. "I think so." She breathed out while getting back up.

"What was that?" Neal asked and Rumple answered him. "Pan cast a protection spell."

"There has to be a way to break it." Regina said turning back to look at me and then creating some type of fireball. Woah! That looks so cool!!

She threw it at the protection spell and it flew back towards us and we all ducked.

"Careful with that!"

We watched as Rumple walked right through the protection spell.

"How did you that?" I squeaked out.

"The spell is is designed to keep anyone who casts a shadow from entering."

"And you don't have one." Neal said stepping towards him. "You were telling the truth."

"It's not about keeping you out. It's about drawing me in." He finished and walked into Skull Rock, leaving Neal, Emma, Regina, and me.

But not before telling Neal to give some box back to him. Regina snatched it out of his hands and walked towards Rumple. She was saying something to him but I wasn't listening. "

"What's that box?" I turned to Emma. "It's Pandora's box, we can use it to trap Pan in it." She explained and I nodded.

Emma and Regina created an eclipse and the protection spell thingy finally broke. We all ran inside and saw Henry holding his heart, about to give to Peter.

"Henry wait!" Neal shouted and Henry turned around to face all of us. "Dad you're alive?" He asked confused.

"I am buddy, and I need you to listen to me. Pan is lying to you."

"Pleasure to see you too, Baelfire." Wait hold on? Baelfire? That's kind of a badass name. "Not to mention the Savior and the evil queen." His gaze turn to me and he looked angry for a second. "Oh and can't forget Violet. Love, you're not supposed to be here." I glared at him.

"Maybe you shouldn't be trying to murder my only friend." I hissed.

"Henry, you need to get away from him now. He's trying to hurt you." Emma said, taking the words out of all our mouths.

"No. The heart of the truest believer, it's what's gonna save magic. It's gonna save all of you."

"No, it's not."Regina paused for a second to look at me then back at Henry. "This was never about magic, Henry. You have to believe us. The only person Pans interested in saving is himself!"

"That's not true!" Henry called out. "Course, it isn't." Peter said walking around to completely face Henry.

"Yes it is! Pan can't live without you dying. If you give him your heart it's gonna kill you." Neal shouted. "They're trying to stem your belief, Henry. But don't let them." Peter put a hand on Henrys shoulder. "Remember, every hero gets tested."

"Don't listen to him Henry! Don't believe him, he's lying! Trust me, saving magic isn't worth giving up your life." I called out and Henry turned to face me. "Please Henry. You were the first person in this Island I felt I could truly talk to and.." I paused for a second debating if I should really say this. "And I love you."

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