Chapter 3

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Violets POV

It got dark pretty fast, Peter walked me home and I said goodbye, his answers to my questions didn't seem to be true. Each time I would ask one about his family or present he would smile, clearly amused.

Something about him just doesn't seem right. The way he looks at me, the way he smirks, all of it. He's not ugly or anything, he's actually pretty attractive with his brown hair and enchanting green eyes. Easily the most beautiful boy I've ever seen.

It's just the hint of evil in his eyes, he looks like he's ready to kill anyone who challenges him and it scares me silly.

My family and I had dinner, it was nice as usual. The twins always bickering like an old married couple while I tried to console the two. My mother reminded me of the golden streak in my hair, telling me I should dye it back.

But I don't want to. I think it makes me look less boring and my dad seems to really like it.

For once he actually had a day off, it's so rare that I see him. Hes so busy with his work all the time that he doesn't even spend time with us anymore. I can't even remember what the last thing we did together was.

After dinner we all as a family watched a movie together, Magnolia kept telling us that Beauty and the beast was the best Disney movie to watch but we all decided on The Sleeping Beauty in the end.

I looked out the family window and saw that the sun was going down, "Mom! I'm going for a walk! Be back in 15!" I called out to her as she was washing some dishes in the kitchen.

"Be safe!" I heard her yell as I put on my oversized dark green jacket that used to be my fathers. I opened the door and walked down the wooden porch stairs, I stepped down on the side walk and looked around at the suburbs that surrounded me.

Well, luckily for me, there's a huge forest outside behind our house and it's amazing to go walking in.

I started walking towards the backyard of our house, and made it into the forests, I smiled as I walked deeper into it and looked up and around myself, and at the moss covered trees.

I walked towards a tree and smiled as I saw the old carvings, Alice, Brian, and me made when we were ten. It was all our intials, 'A+B+V'.

I ran my fingers down the carving and turned around and leaned my back into the tree, I smiled and looked up into the beautiful sundown, it was orange and red, and just perfect.

I looked down at my feet to see a couple of flowers I had stepped on, I frowned and bent down to pick them up. I groaned as I looked back up and saw the sun was almost completely down.

I stood back up and leaned back into the tree once again and slid all the way down the tree until I was almost sitting on the dirt floor. I closed my eyes and relaxed enjoying the simple ness of my life, this is all I could ever wish for. Well of course with some adventures.

I sighed and pushed myself off the tree, standing up. I started walking back towards my house until I heard a whooshing sound, as if something was flying right above me.

I started speed walking and eventually began running as I felt unsafe. I made it back to my house where my mother was waiting on the front porch, she was sitting in swing/bench, her dark brown hair, similar to mine was in a ponytail, I admit my mother is very young looking and beautiful.

She smiles at me as I walk up the steps, "Come on Dolly, you have to be ready for our appointment on Saturday." She said and I nodded and smiled at the nickname she and most of my family called me. Every month my mother feels the need to take us to get our hair and nails done.

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