Chapter 4

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Violets POV

I heard voices speaking as I begin to wake up, I don't want them to know I'm awake. Maybe if I stay quiet I can find out why Peter or 'Pan' brought me here.

I still don't believe that I'm on Neverland, it's impossible!

"Hey, she's really pretty." The voice of a boy said and I slightly squint my eyes to see two boys on either side of the king sized bed I'm laying on.

"Quiet Tootles. She belongs to Pan." Another voice said, "Why'd we have to get stuck watching her anyways? Girls don't belong here! She doesn't belong here!" Okay rude!

"Oh shut up Devin! Pan must've brought her here for a reason. I don't suppose he would just bring a girl out of boredom, especially after the last girl." The boy spoke with a hint of disgust, I squinted my eyes again and saw the boy on the left side of the bed extending his hand out towards me. That's when I decided I had enough of hearing these two idiots bicker.

I sat up and stared at the two with a glare, I swatted the boy's hand away as I began speaking, "I don't belong to anyone. Let alone that boy." I spat with disgust.

They both looked shocked that I was awake and I took this opportunity to run, I jumped out of bed and made a run for the door. Two hands grabbed onto my waist and I elbowed the boy who's holding me in the groin. I heard him groan and fall to the ground.

I grabbed onto the door handle and all hope in me vanishes as I realized it was locked.

"Ha! I told you it was smart idea to lock the door!" I heard one laugh, I turned around and see the two boys ready to grab me if I try anything. I gulped nervously.

"Shut up Devin! Please calm down." One of the boys spoke. Anger spiked up in me.

"Calm down? You psychos have me locked in a room!" I raised my voice and the one who spoke before reddened slightly.

"Well if you're going to say it like that.." He trailed off. I rolled my eyes and walked back towards the edge of the bed and sat down. They both watched me with caution which only irritates me more.

"I'm tootles and this is Devin." The one with dark brown hair and dark blue eyes gestured at the other boy who had light blue eyes and light brown hair. Devin winked at me and Tootles stood their awkwardly. What strange names.

"I'm Violet, Violet Hale." I told the both of them, "Hale?" Tootles asked and I nodded

"That's my last name."

"Viole-" I cut Tootles off, "Where's Peter? Where are we? Please help me!" I told the two boys and Devin rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry Violet but we were given orders to not let you go out for any matter." Tootles looked at me with sympathy as he speaks and my eyes brimmed with tears. I just want to go home! With Brian, Alice, and my family.

"So basically you're not leaving here Princess. You belong to Pan and if Pan wants you, he's going to have you." Devin talked. What an asshole! He doesn't even care does he?

I charged at Devin and Tootles stopped me and held me back. "You asshole! I don't want to be here! I didn't ask for this!" I cried, trying to free myself from Tootles grasp.

Devin teasingly smirks at me and I struggled even harder, this asshole is lucky I'm being held back. I pushed Tootles off of me and glare at Devin.

"I've got to go. Please play nice you two." Tootles exited the treehouse and I plead him with my eyes. He gives me a look of sympathy and shuts the door.

I sat back down at the edge of the bed and Devin stared down at me with a look of annoyance. I smiled up at a him and his face scrunched up with confusion. If I'm going to be stuck here with this asshole I might as well try place nice. Keyword: try.

I started a conversation with him and he surprisingly kept it going. I learned that he was 15 and came on Neverland many years ago. He's surprisingly not that bad but that doesn't give him the right to not give a crap about my situation and I know he's loyal as heck to Peter. Which only bothers me even more. The door opened and I looked over Devin to see Peter staring at me with a smile. Wish I could slap that smile away. Devin walked out of the room, leaving me with that demon boy.

"You look like you slept well my love."

I rolled me eyes. "Shut it Pan! I want to go home." I said with desperation at the end. He seemed amused by my anger which only made more angry.

"You and I are on a first name basis Violet. I want you to call me Peter. So you can see my as your protector and not some random kidnapper." He walked towards me and I stood up off the bed. "Please let me go home Pan." I ignored his last sentence, I don't want to see him as my protector. Gross.

"What did I tell you to call me." He said sternly and I rolled my eyes. "What did I say." I continued to ignore him and he walked fast towards me and grabbed me roughly by the shoulders.

"You're hurting m-" He cut me off angrily. "Call me Peter. Im not telling you again."He said angrily and I nodded rapidly. His hands were digging into my shoulders and it was hurting me. He smiled and lowered himself to my height, he leaned his forehead against my bangs covered forehead. He moved his hands so they were on both sides of my head.

He stood tall again and I shivered. "You need to eat. You haven't eaten anything since forever." I nodded and he took my hand. We were about to walk out of the treehouse when he stopped walking and turned around to look at me. He snapped his fingers and I was suddenly in a long white dress with a green ribbon tied in my hair. I rolled my eyes, I liked my old outfit better.

We both walked out of the treehouse and I saw a bunch of boys doing different things. Like sharpening sticks and climbing ropes. Peter told me he was going to bring me food and he brought me to sit down next to Felix. He smiled at me and I sent him a small smile back.

He was sharpening some stick. I looked around and luckily no one was looking, I stood up from the log and I ran as fast as I could into the dense jungle.

Let's hope I don't get caught.


As always thanks for reading! Let me know what you think!

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