Chapter 2

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Violets POV

Last night was pretty weird. I kept thinking about that Peter boy, something about him was just strange.

I got out bed and got changed, I make my way downstairs where I see my oldest sister Magnolia eating toast and working something on her laptop. She had her working glasses on and her dark brown hair is tied up in a messy ponytail. I shifted my eyes to see the twins, Jeremy and Jenna having a competition on who finishes the cereal first. They're both ten and Magnolia is 21 on her last year of college. Why was I not invited in the cereal competition?


I put my books away in my locker and shut it. I let out a light gasp when I see my best friend Alice chesire cat grinning at me. Her short red hair was pulled back into a small ponytail. Gosh she was really pretty, in a friend way of course.

"Stretch your mouth out any more and you'll be able to fit a fridge in there." I laughed and turn the other way to see my other best friend, Brian, smiling at me. His light blue eyes sparkle in the crappy school lights and his short, slightly wavy dark brown hair was combed like usual.

I love Brian. In a friend way of course, he's like my brother. I've known his longer than Alice but only by one year. He's my best friend and I would do anything for him. Same for Alice.

"Oh will you shut it Brian!!" Alice's honey brown eyes were blazing with anger but also excitement. Brian and Alice both hate each other but they deal with each other for my sake. Can't even tell you the amount of times I've broken up a stupid argument between the two.

"Please don't start fighting and do you guys want to study tomorrow at my house?" I said directing my attention to put the lock on my locker. "Yeah" They both said at the same time and I look back at the two and saw them glaring daggers at each other.

I smiled and ruffled Brian's hair, he reddened in a cute way and smiled. "Get a room you two." Alice groaned and I laughed. We all began walking towards our first class. Luckily for all of us we have most classes together.


School went by pretty fast and pretty boring. I drop my backpack on the wooden flooring on my room and collapse onto my bed. The only thing on my mind being Brian and his pretty blue eyes.

Peters POV

I pretended to casually walk in front of her house. After I went back to Neverland I told Felix and some of the other lost boys to start getting things ready for her. She's going to love it in Neverland! I just know it.

I rose an eyebrow and squinted my eyes, she was reading some book on her front porch. She looked up at me and smiled. "Hey Peter."

"Would you like to take a walk with me?" I asked her and saw her thinking about it. "I don't know. I just met you. For all I know you could be some psycho." She told me and I almost didn't hear the last part.

"I promise the walk won't take long. I just want to get to know you." I replied putting on a nice smile. I just want to know if she would really trust me.

"Okay..but I have to do something real quick. Won't take long!" She hesitantly invited me to go inside and I walked inside with her to see no one around. She grabs a small notepad and pen and starts writing something in it. Must be a note to her mom.

She finished and left the notepad on the counter. I smirked as I saw her open a drawer and take out what looks to be some spray to defend yourself.

Violet looks at me with those big doe eyes, confusion glittering her irises. I stared at her for a couple of seconds, mesmerized by her beauty. Her lips looked oh so soft.

"Are you done staring?" She snapped with a little bit of anger and impatience.

"Oh sorry. Let's get going"

She sighed and nodded and we walked out the door. Before I knew it we were kind of deep in the woods behind her house and I saw her getting a bit antsy.

"Wanna Play 20 questions?" She looked up at me with those big doe eyes. As doe as deer.

"20 questions?" I questioned and she looked at me strangely. "We basically ask each other questions. I ask you a question and then you ask me one." She explained and I nodded deciding to play, at least I'll get to know more about her.

After 10 minutes of walking around and asking each other questions I've found out many things about her and she really is my girl. She loves painting and admiring nature, her favorite color is green, the color of nature itself (her words) and when I asked about the one peculiar strand of golden hair she got all secretive but told me she just woke up with it one day.

Something tells me there's more to the backstory of her hair.

When it came to my questions I just lied on the spot, telling her that my family is visiting other family and so on but I could tell she didn't fully believe me. Suddenly we hear a twig snap and I felt a small hand grab onto my hand along with a frightened gasp.

I looked down at her to see her holding my hand in fear, her eyes filled with caution.
"Violet? Are you alright?" I asked her and she let go of my my hand and looked at me with slightly pink cheeks.

"Yea sorry, just got scared." Violets eyes were trained on something in the distance and I cocked an eyebrow and smirked when I saw a deer. Little Violet afraid of dears?


Thanks for reading the second chapter! Let me know what you think!

-Your sleep deprived friend

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