More strangers pushed for interviews with us, some getting so handsy that Levin had to pull me out of there. Not literally, but we followed the red carpet (holy shit, I just said that), and went toward the end of the room.

This is just a dinner. At least that's what Levin said. I guess he'd mentioned the interviews and the huge dinner and the rich people, but I didn't expect for there to be a fucking red carpet. This feels like a more tame version of the Met Gala.

Nobody is wearing anything completely insane like if this really were the cursed Met. But everyone looks so good that it's unfair.

Levin has made it clear that I'm sexy, untouchable, intangible, so I'm obviously the hottest person here. I'll admit that Levin is a close second.

So now we're sitting at a table with a few of his teammates and their dates. Saul, Marcus, Christopher. Phoebe—Saul's fiancé. Logan—Marcus's husband. And Alexa—Christopher's long-term girlfriend. Then, if you count me... Cindy—Levin's (very fake) girlfriend.

Within the last ten minutes I've known these people, here's what I've picked up:

Phoebe is quiet. She makes up for her low, sweet voice with loud hand movements, though. A funny laugh and contagious smile. Saul is also quiet. But not the same way his fiancé is. She talks when he keeps more to himself, only talking in passing comments.

Logan has confidence radiating off of him, same with his husband. Marcus talks over everyone, but not in that annoying way. I can't explain it, but he's very... I don't know. Very Marcus.

And Alexa. She seems like my kind of friend. There's this comfortable vibe about her. She's apart of the conversation in the kind of way where she's correcting the boys, laying out every stupid thing they say out on the table. And to make things that much better, she's doing all this while reading. Oh, and Christopher is cool too. He reminds me of Dahlian, all loud and giggly like a dork.

I'd say more, but I think I'm a little busy falling in love with his girlfriend.

I even convinced Christopher to switch seats with me so I could talk to Alexa about what she's reading.

"Have you gotten to the lake scene?" I ask her, my eyes scanning the page she's on. I remember reading this book like it was yesterday.

"Yeah," she says almost distantly, like if she can't fathom how I could possibly know what happened in the book. "Sorry if I'm a little in shock. It's just that I'm the only one who really reads. I mean, Logan reads, but he's more into all that philosophical crap. And well..."

I smile. "Romances are just more your style. I get that."

She gets her bookmark into place, closing the book and shifting im her chair to face me. God, nothing makes a girl feel more special than another girl (who also reads) closing their book to speak to them.

"Does Levin get weird about what you read? Chris thinks I read these types of books because he isn't doing something that book characters are."

"Can't answer that. Levin hasn't caught me in the middle of a good book yet, so it would be a lie to say he does."

She hums to herself. "It makes me feel bad."

I get what she means. Tommy used to get uncomfortable about what I read too, saying that it makes him feel guilty that I'm not finding this something in him but I'm finding it in pages.

Because I already love her, because she's already given up little pieces of information about herself, I'll give her a little piece too.

"But I did experience that in my last relationship."

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