"I'm just not even going to bother with you two anymore. And Scarlett there's a random boy staring at your ass. If I have permission I will go over there." Lucas says.

"Honestly just leave it. I can't be bothered anymore." I say before the guy decides to wolf whistle at me and that seems to be when the boys except Josh snap.

They get up and walk over to the boy. We can't tell what they are saying but we can see that the guy looks like he's about to shit himself.

"Oh Scarlett. I grabbed your glasses from your sister for you. She said you were looking for them but couldn't find them anywhere. They were in her bag." Katelyn said as she handed me my glasses case.

"Oh thank god." I said as I took my glasses out and put them on my face. "I can finally see without everything being blurry as fuck."

The boys walk back over just as I was time for all of us to board our flight. I sat next to Lily who was in the middle near the window while Dylan sat on the Isle. And the others either sat in front, behind or next to us.

It was quite a long flight but we reached New York without any problems as well as me and Lily taking a nap during the flight. We got on the coach to the hotel and we were given our keys to our rooms and went up to find them. All of the boys were in the room next to us. And Lynn and Erika and two other girls were in the room next door.

"Well its just our look isn't it. We don't have to go hunting for everyone when we want to hangout." Katelyn said as we all walked up to our rooms.

"True that. But for now I'm going straight to bed." I said and everyone nodded in agreement I guess we're all a bit jet lagged then.


I woke up the next morning and grabbed my clothes then went to the bathroom. It was quite warm outside so I wasn't going to bother with a jumper but I will bring one with me.

Her outfit

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Her outfit

I heard a knock on the door then someone moving around and the door unlocking so I'm guessing on of the girls opened it.

"Good morning my bitches." Ethan said quite loudly as him and the rest of the boys walked into the room after I walked out the bathroom.

Lily groaned and put a pillow over her head to try and block out the noise as Katelyn went into the bathroom with some clothes to change into. Dylan laughed and walked over to Lily to get her up and out of bed while I packed my bag for today.

"I think because it's a Saturday the teachers are gonna let us do what we want because we don't have any work to do." Lucas said as she laid down on my bed as Katelyn walked out the bathroom and Savannah walked in.

"Most likely. But I'm gonna go get food from the little café we saw next door." Katelyn said.

"Well if you wait for Lily to get changed then we'll all go together." Dylan says as Lily finally gets up and goes into the bathroom with her clothes when Savannah walks out.

5 minutes later, were all walking out of the hotel and going to the café next door. It wasn't to crowded so it was easy for us to find seats near the back so we could all sit with each other.

"I'm still tired you know. Why does everyone always have to be up so early." Lily complained to us not actually knowing what time it is.

"Darling it's 1 in the afternoon. We all slept through breakfast even Scarlett and that's saying something. Everyone else in the hotel is still sleeping." Dylan told her and Lily looked at us in shock.

"Scarlett slept through the morning. What the fuck." Lily said suddenly wide awake.

We all laughed at her while she quickly turned to me.

"Are you okay? Are you ill? Did something happen that none of us know about when we were asleep?" Lily fired questions at me like a fire spreading on a gas leak and honestly it was quite amusing to watch.

"I'm perfectly fine Lily. Just a bit jet lagged from the plane so I was more tired then I usually am. Calm down." I said smiling at her as she took a deep breath right as a waiter walked over to us.

We ordered what we wanted and waited for our order to come out. Which due to the fact it wasn't to crowded didn't take to long. But right as we we're all about to start eating a very specific group of people we haven't seen in a week walk in and walk straight over to the table right next to us while staring right at us.

"Oh you have to be motherfucking kidding me." Josh said as they all sat down and continued to stare.

"What the fuck do you lot want." Savannah snapped at them and they instantly looked away and looked at their menus.

"Remind me why we were friends with them again. Please." Lily said causing us all to shrug because honestly none of us had no idea why.

"This is all my fault. If I didn't trust him and become friends with him again none of this would have happened." Savannah said snapping us all out of our thoughts. "If I didn't believe him none of what's happening now would have happened.

"Savannah listen to me. None of this is your fault. If anything it's theirs. They need to learn to grow up and stop acting like little kids. I wouldn't worry about it eventually what their doing will come back to bite them in the ass and when it does. We'll all be their to watch it break out." Matthew said grabbing Savannah's hand stopping her digging her nails into her skin and looked at her with some kind of emotion in his eyes while she looked at him the same way.

Not gonna lie all of us at the table were shocked. It's not often Matthew helps someone other then people he really cares about and he's only known Savannah for a few days. And I'm sure we all know that look they were giving each other. Everyone else but those two looked at each other and smirked.

"Well looks like Matt and Savannah have a little bit of a crush on each other doesn't it. This should be interesting." I thought before we all started eating again and eventually left the café and walked back to the hotel to try and figure out what to do.

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