Chapter 18

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Form was the same as usual

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Form was the same as usual. Boring and loud. Except for when Lily went on her phone to check Snapchat to see she had a message saying 'dick.' After she had read it she puts the phone away looks at me and goes.

"I don't like dick."

And as soon as she realises what she's said she bursts out laughing and her laugh is one that is more funnier then the joke so even I burst out laughing. And the only one who weirdly looked at us was Gurdas.

"What is Dylan a girl now or something." I say back and that makes her break out into more laughter.

Lily finally managed to calm down a few minutes later. Soon after it was time for us to go to first lesson.

"I have Pixel Build-up so can you walk with me." Lily said as we exited the room.

"Yeah sure." I say right before I'm shoved by someone.

"What the fuck." I said as I looked in front of me to see that it was Gurdas.

"He does that a lot he has to be at the front at all costs otherwise he cries until he's placed at the front." Lily said as we watched him walk away.

"Oh my god. He cries because he's not at the front of the line. That's stupid." I say.

We finally make it to the bottom of the stairs when I feel someone putting pressure on my shoulders.

"BOO!!" I hear Ethan shout and I jumped out my skin but kept walking till I was outside then turned around.

"You scared the shit out of me." I said to Ethan as I saw the boys stood behind me and Lily.

"That was kind of the point." Matthew said as we continued walking to the doors and up the science stairs.

"See ya." Lily said as she went left and me and the others went right.

"See ya at break." I said and Lily nodded before going into the classroom.

"What do you have?" I heard Lucas ask me.

"Double art." I said as we got closer to reaching the art classrooms.

"Lucky we have double maths." Ethan said.

"Have fun." I said as I walked into my classroom.

"We'll try." I hear Dylan say before I close the door to the classroom and take my seat.

"I don't want to be here right now. Literally this is the only good lesson I have." Lynn says when I sit down.

"I have this one and then Geography last so I don't mind." I say.

"You lucky bitch. I have French last. I don't mind the lesson I just despise the teacher." Lynn says.

"God do I know that feeling." I reply grabbing my sketchbook and grabbing the picture I started last lesson.

"I already got paints and water. I have my own paintbrushes if you want to use one of them." Lynn says.

"Yeah please." I say and she hands me a paintbrush and I instantly start my painting.

"You got anything to tell me about what's happening or has nothing else happened yet." Lynn asks me.

"Currently nothing has quite yet went down I highly doubt we'll be that lucky at break though. Owen texted me and we almost got in an argument because of Georgia. We went outside of McDonald's and they followed and a argument kinda broke out. Oh and me and Lily are now apart of a friend group of four year 11 males." I told Lynn as I placed my paintbrush in the water.

"Sounds like so much fun." Lynn says.

"Oh I know right." I respond.

"By the way was it necessary to spam my Instagram feed. Pretty much every single post on their was from your account." Lynn says.

"Yes, yes it was very much so necessary." I say.

We just spent the rest of Art goofing off and doing the work. With only one person some how managing to get acrylic paint all over themselves. Not sure how because it was very far away from them but they did.

When it came to break time I went outside and walked over to the place were I said I would meet Lily. It didn't take my to long to find her as I saw her walking over to me as I was looking around.

"Hey you know were Dylan is." Lily asks as she stops in front of me.

"Haven't seen him yet. He shouldn't be to long though." I said and as I said that I saw the 4 boys walking over to us.

"How was double maths." I said when the four of them finally stopped in front of us.

"Motherfucking boring. As expected. The teacher wouldn't shut up about numbers." Ethan complained.

"Well she is a Maths teacher what would you expect her to talk about. The equator." Lily said.

"Shush you." Ethan said while we all laughed at his face because he knows she's right.

"Why are they looking over here if they said they didn't want any drama." Matthew said looking over mine and Lily's shoulders.

Me and Lily turned around to see Savannah, Gurdas, Isabelle and Jamie all staring at us. And honestly it was making me feel uncomfortable.

"I'm going over." I heard Dylan say from behind me before he went to the left of Lily and started walking towards them.

"Oh fuck. Is that a good idea. I have a feeling your going to lose your shit." I said as we all followed behind him.

"That's the point Scarlett." Dylan says before taking a few more steps towards them.

"This should be good." I hear Lucas say from next to me.

"Well you got that right." I said back as Dylan started talking.

"Well hello you absolute idiots." Dylan says.

"Just get to the point." Savannah says.

"Well OK then. Stop being absolute ass holes. You make it look like your obsessed with both Lily and Scarlett. And honestly it's very fucking creepy. So just back of them would you because I don't know what your problem is with them and neither do they but just drop it." Dylan says before turning towards Gurdas.

"Stop writing love letters to Lily. She doesn't fucking like them and let me tell you this it's never going to happen." Dylan says.

"Why do you care so much about her?" Isabelle asks as we all look at her.

"Is she really that fucking dumb." I say under my breath but both Ethan and Lucas hear and let out a chuckle.

"I think the answer to that question is that she's his girlfriend." Matthew answers rolling his eyes.

"Don't talk to my girlfriend like that." Jamie says trying and failing to make himself look tall.

"What you gonna do about it short stack." Matthew says back.

But before Jamie can say anything back the teacher starts walking around shouting that it's time for lesson. The boys head in the direction of the DT corridor while me and Lily head for maths.

"Why the fuck does this shit always happen to our friend group generally?" Lily asks me.

"I'm not quite sure. But when your let out can you wait for me." I ask.

"Yeah sure." Lily responds before she walks into her classroom and I walk over to mine and start talking to one of my friends in my class.

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