Chapter 16

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Walking to work with my usual coffee order, I can't help but smile at how mature it seemed between Callie and I. At how it felt like it wouldn't have been a single day  gone since the last time we kissed or held each other close.

I look at my watch, realizing I'm a little early. But not caring about that I made my way to my wing, getting the chart of my patient that came in yesterday.

I see Jake standing at Lia's bed, holding her hand. I'm pretty sure he hasn't left her side for a single second this night.
"Good morning Dr. Robbins.", he whispered as I entered their room. I give him a weak smile before replying.

"I will just check her vitals, making sure everything is how it's supposed to be.", I smile at him. After making sure that everything is clearly fine with her I turn to her husband.

"you will have her back soon, I promise. We will just have to wait until Lia wakes up from her coma. I can't tell you yet if she carries any damages, we can only wait to find that out.", I smile at him sadly.

"and what about our little bean? What's with the baby?", he asks me worried. I place a hand on his shoulder.
"there were not any signs of her being in labor. But in case she should get into labor while still being in coma we will make a c-section and would save her and the baby.", I tell him. He gives me a slight smile.

"I was on your place a few years ago too. My wife - ex wife - we had a car accident when she was pregnant with our daughter. We didn't know if either one of them would make it. She was at the time twenty four weeks pregnant, so it was high risk.
And now, a few years later, she is absolutely fine and so is our daughter... In a few years, when you will look back at the time you live through right now, you won't feel the pain or the sadness or even the anger. Everything you will feel is love and joy and you will be grateful for how everything went. I was on your place before and it went out good and so will it with you, your wife and your baby. I promise you. ", I smile, knowing that I may have lightened up his mood a little bit.

" thank you Dr. Robbins! I really appreciate your words. ", he smiles as a tear makes down its way over his ckeek.

I smile at Jake before I leave the room. I had to get prepared for a long surgery anyway. Picking my interns and residents I wanted to have in my OR on my side, I make my way to my office to have a quick check up on my surgery plan.

Good luck, dear! I might show up today, watching your surgery! ~Calliope

I smiled at my phone, feeling like a teenager once again. It's crazy how after all those years, Callie still has an effect on me.

"Dr. Robbins? Your patient is ready now, you can attend to your surgery!", a nurse said after knocking three times on my office door. I thanked her, took one last glance at my phone before happily walking out of my office.

A few hours in my surgery and I could feel my limp starting to get sore. I know that I have to attent to a doctor regularly to check out if everything is still in tackt, that my prosthetic still fits and if I got any burns or bruises  because of the friction.
I let out a shaky breath, being aware of the pain on my limp that starts growing with every second passing.

"Jamie, could you get me a chair please? I need to rest me leg for a little.", I asked one of the nurses. She agreed and run out of the OR to get the chair I had asked for.

After she was back I rested my leg on it.

"She is bleeding Dr. Robbins!", one of my assistents tells me. I'm already aware of it, I just need to focus on the procedure.

"C-section! You need to make a c-section!", I heard a lovely voice through the gallery phone. I smiled a little, exactly knowing who was watching me.

Together with my assistant we stopped the bleeding, made a C-section, delivered the baby and took for the own health of the mother her uturus out.

"Good job, Davies!", I told him. He smiled at me with a huge smile, thanking me. Together we scrubbed out. I told him that he should inform the husband, which he did.

"You were good in there!", I heard the angelic voice again. I turned around to look at her and she looked stunning. Her black hair was to a ponytail, she wore only a little make up. The blue scrubs looked devine on her.

"I wouldn't have made it without you.", I told her. I quickly looked in all directions, making sure no one was looking before I took a big step, pressing my body in Callie's  personal space. I pulled her face near mine so I was able to give her a little kiss.

My hands layed on her cheeks while hers rested on my back. Our kiss didn't lasted for long. I took her hand in my own, intertwining our fingers.

"Wanna have dinner tonight with Sofia and me?", I asked her, smiling widely. I knew she would never resist on having a good family dinner. She quickly nodded, signaling me that she will come.

"Great, awesome!", I said and this time,without making sure we weren't watched by any nurses or other people, I again took a step forward, this time letting our kiss last longer. The kiss was more on a loving way, it said more words than I ever could. It said things that neither one of us were ready to say yet. It was one of those kisses you would read a lot in books, a kiss that you see in basically every love movie. Where, mostly, in the end the girl and the boy would have their first kiss and would forever live their happy ever after. Just with the little difference that  this wasn't our first kiss and both of us were females.

"Be there at 6, so we can watch a movie later on with Sofia.", I smiled against her lips as we pulled apart, still letting our eyes closed and our foreheads touch. Even tho I didn't see her, I knew she was smiling. She agreed, but soon she had to leave since she had her own patients and surgeries to attend to.

The day couldn't take longer to finally end. But when I got out of the clinic I realized how tired I actually became. I get in my car and start driving.

When I finally was home I changed into more comfortable clothes before I started cooking. I wanted to hold it simple so a easy mac'n cheese had to do it. It wasn't too late that Callie and Sofia came as well.

After Sofia run upstairs to wash her hands I quickly pulled Callie in a kiss, saying hello to each other on our own way.

Dinner couldn't have been better! We ate while listening to Sofia talking about her day.

When we all were done eating dinner, I sent Sofia to go have a shower and change into her Pyjamas. Callie and I did the dishes together like we used to do. But eventually I got so tired that I just lend my body against Callies. I nuzzled my nose in her neck, closing my eyes and enjoying the moment. My arms were slung around her body, hugging her tightly and not letting go of her.

When Sofia came back, freshly showered and in her Pyjamas we all went to the couch and started watching frozen. Sofia didn't last too long with staying awake, which gave Callie and I the opportunity to cuddle a little and to exchange some kisses.

Eventually we got Sofia to bed so we could watch a movie ourselves. After we both gave her quietly a small kiss on her forehead we both left the room, going downstairs again.

"want some wine?", I asked her. She agreed and it didn't take me long to pour both of us some wine.

We decided on a movie and soon we were all cuddled up in blankets and each other, watching the movie.

When, again, a romantic scene comes, I look up at Callie, realizing she is watching me.

We stay quiet, just looking at each other's lips, seeing the desire in our eyes. I move up a little to let our lips meet again. This time in a more passionate way. We kiss with hunger, lust, but most of all, we kiss on a way people do when they are in love.

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