Chapter 10

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"What are you doing here? I thought you were in Seattle?" Arizona was caught of guard. She never expected Carina to stand in the little bathroom of her new work place.

"I was. And I only came to New York to tell you how sorry I am. After you left I realized what I had lost. And I truly regret why I was breaking up with you. The reason was so not fair to you and your daughter! And I'm sorry bambina. I'm so so truly sorry! Please forgive me, love. I now know what I did wrong and my eyes got open. I'm accepting you the way you are. And I accept and respect Sofia. Please bambina...", Carina said as she stepped closer to Arizona. But Arizona was too much in shock right now to even realize what was happening. She didn't realize how Carina was coming closer to her with every moment, begging her for her forgiveness.

Until-Arizona felt Carina's lips on her own. Carina's hands were pressing the blondes back more into herself, while Arizona's hands were laying on Carina's shoulders, attempting to push her away.

But before she could do so, the door opened. "Hey Arizona, I-", Callie cut herself off when she saw Arizona kissing someone and seeming to enjoy the kiss. "I'm sorry.", she added and left. Arizona quickly registered what was happening and pushed herself off of Carina.

"I- I can't! I'm sorry. You have to get back to Seattle!", she said before storming out of the bathroom. Arizona run back into the huge room she and her new co workers were celebrating the Robbins - Herman - Center.

But she could nowhere seem to find Callie. "No no no no no... Fuck!", she cursed, spinning around, hoping to find Callie. She run as fast as her prosthetic allowed her to run outside. But before she could get to Callie to talk to her, Arizona saw Callie's car driving away. "Fuck! No! Callie!", she screamed, knowing Callie couldn't hear her.

Arizona tried hard to not blame Carina for it. Yes she kissed Arizona, but Arizona froze. If she hadn't frozen, Carina wouldn't have gotten this far...

While driving home, Callie couldn't believe what she just saw. Arizona, kissing some random chick in the bathroom. Had Arizona and this mistourios woman already planned on doing it? Maybe Callie read the signs wrong and Arizona saw her really just as her ex - wife.

Callie had to stop on a little parking lot at Walmart. She was crying. Salty tears were running down her face, leaving black mascara tears on her cheeks. Callie almost couldn't breath from the crying. And even tho she always was the strong one who never showed any emotions in front of herself or others, it had felt good to let everything out. It had felt good to finally be able to cry and to scream. But closing her eyes, Callie couldn't get the image of Arizona kissing this woman out of her mind
But why was she crying? It was her who had walked out of the therapy room. It had been her who gave Arizona, her actually best friend, her soul mate, their divorce. Did Callie actually had the right to be upset about it? To be jealous that it wasn't her who kissed Arizona that night? If she was honest with herself, she lost that right that moment she went out of Arizona's bedroom, knowing it was their last night together, knowing that, in contrast to Arizona, she knew it would never happen again and what she would do just the very next day.

So she wiped those stupid tears out of her face, took a deep breath and continued driving.
"No, you don't get it!", yelled Arizona as she was talking with her best friend in New York. Her, until now, only friend here. "Nicole, I just lost her. I - I don't know what to do, okay? I told her I need to use the bathroom, which I really needed to use, but in there stood Carina. A girlfriend I had after Callie left for New York. I-she said she was sorry for breaking up with me and that she wanted to have another chance. But I froze. I didn't did anything. I just stood there, listening to her, but I couldn't get my body to move or to say something. And then... She kisses me. Out of the blue. And in this exact moment, Callie walked through the door. She wanted to say something but stopped herself and left. And now she's gone...", cried Arizona. She was sitting next to Nicole Herman, her head on Nicole's shoulders and her hands in her lap,fidgeting around like a little school girl.

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