Chapter 15

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I had the most amazing night last night. It was heaven. I have no other words for it. I have never felt so happy and complete. It felt like my whole body was on fire and that's only because Arizona and I spent the night together. We haven't had sex yet, we decided to wait. We just kissed and touched each other lovingly. We cuddled a lot and cuddling with Arizona is one of the most incredible things in life. It felt like we connected again, like our souls melted together as we slowly kissed and touched one another. We don't need the sex to be connected even though the sex is always earth shattering with her and I can't wait to be intimate with her in that way again but we decided we would take things slow, we will date and try to get to know each other again.

It was early in the morning and arizona was still sleeping. I was watching her like I always did. I love watching her sleep because a sleeping arizona is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I stroked her cheek lovingly and I feel goose bumps on her skin and a small smile on her lips. I love that I have this effect on her, even when she is sleeping. I missed that, while we were apart. I missed watching her sleep, seeing her smile and her blue eyes sparkling with happiness whenever she looks at me. I will forever be grateful for getting the chance to be with her again and I know that it will work out this time because no matter what will happen, I will fight for her, I will stay by her side. There is one thing I know for sure: I don't want to be away from arizona ever again. She is it for me. She always was and always will be.

I decided to make her some pancakes, knowing she loves them. I made my way to the kitchen quietly, so I won't wake her up. Reaching the door, I couldn't help but turning around one more time, watching the sleeping beauty. I smiled and turned back to open the door and went to the kitchen.

15 minutes later, I made my way to the bedroom with two plates full of pancakes and two cups of coffee. I noticed light coming from the room, guessing Arizona has woken up. I opened the door and there she was, looking stunning as ever even though she is still very sleepy.
"Good morning beautiful, I made some pancakes and coffee"
"Morning.. I thought it was a dream when I woke up and didn't see you laying beside me" arizona whispers
"Nope, no dream. This is very real" I cup her cheek and placed a sweet kiss on her lips.
I handed her the plate with pancakes and the cup of coffee.
"Thank you"
"Did you sleep well? I asked arizona once she took a sip from her coffee.
"Are you kidding.. I didn't sleep that well in years. Having you hold me again after all these years felt like heaven" hearing this from her gave me a warm feeling, knowing that I wasn't the only one who missed that.
"I am glad and I feel the same way. I always loved holding you in my arms or you holding me." I placed another kiss on her lips. It was supposed to be a simple kiss but Arizona decided to deepen it with opening her mouth asking for entrance. I quickly obliged letting our tongues meet. I pulled her impossibly closer to me and caressed her cheek while our tongues caressed each other. I felt the familiar throbbing in my clit, knowing that if I don't stop right now, I wouldn't be able to control myself so I pulled away from the kiss while whispering "I love you" against her lips.
"I love you too" I heard Arizona saying against my lips
"I should get ready, I have a surgery in one hour" Arizona said after she ate her pancakes while quickly gathering her stuff and making her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth.
I pouted because I really didn't want her to leave. I never wanted this night to end.
"Fine, but not before you give me a goodbye kiss" Arizona smirked quickly placing a deep kiss on my lips. I hold her close not wanting to let her go.
"Calliope, I really have to go now"
Giving her one last kiss, I let go of her.
"Tell Sofia, I will come by tonight to see her" Arizona said while making her way to the door.
"I will, I love you" but she was already out of door.
Quickly making myself ready too, I realized it was already late and I had to hurry to be in the hospital on time. I don't have any surgery scheduled today, so it won't be too stressful. Just some rounds and paper work.

One hour later I arrived at the hospital. I quickly made myself to my office to get my paper work done. But it wasn't that easy since I can't get a certain blonde out of my head. I heard a knock on my door, knowing it can't be Arizona as she is still in surgery, I told the person to come in
The door opened and it was Pete, one of my good friends here in New York. We became very close in the last time. We often spent time in my office. Instead of eating in the cafeteria, we often met in my or his office to catch up. I let him in and closed the door behind him.
"Figured you could need this" he said while giving me another cup of coffee and a donut. "Thanks, you are a hero"
He sat on the couch and it was silent for a moment. My thoughts were quickly wandering back to Arizona and I couldn't help but smile thinking about our night together.
"What are you smiling so hard about, thinking about the ex-wife again?" Of course he noticed.
"what n-no, I was just thinking about Sofia"
"You know, you are a terrible liar. Also I can see that you have a hickey on your neck" he smirked
"Fine, I was thinking about her. We had an amazing night together" I said dreamingly.
"Too much Information Torres, I don't need to know about your sex life with blondie"
"We haven't had sex yet. We want to take it slow"
"Well that's good but knowing you, it won't take too long for you to finally seal the deal. I mean, she is hot, like really hot. Even I would take her in a heartbeat"
"Don't you dare" I warned him and threw him a pillow in his face.
"I was just kidding. Gotta go now. Surgery in 5 minutes. But I am happy for you Torres. Arizona seems like a great person, so don't mess it up. This is your last chance."
He was right, this is our last chance. If it won't work out this time, I will lose her forever. That thought scared me, so I pushed it away.
Pete is a really good friend, he reminds me a bit of Mark. Calling be by my last name and calling arizona blondie. I was wondering how Arizona will react to him once they are going to meet. We were never sexually involved like mark and me so Arizona doesn't have to worry about that.
Pete was there for me after Penny and I broke up. He was there when I was crying my eyes out because I missed Arizona too much. He listened when I was rambling about losing the love of my life, my soulmate, my one and only. He was always very supportive but I think he never really liked Penny. He never said anything because he wanted to support me and my relationship but I think he was glad when I told him that I broke up with her. None of my friends really liked her. Especially my father never liked her. I think he is secretly Team Arizona and that's why he never intended to try to get to know Penny a bit better or to even like her. That thought made me smile again, knowing he will be very happy to hear the news about her being a part of the family again.

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