Chapter 12

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"Well, well, well, look who decided to appear...", Nicole Herman joked as her assistant informed her over Arizona's appearance.

"I wish you a very good morning too, Herman!", Arizona said, pressing a still hot coffee in Nicole's hand.

"And I see, you are in a very good mood today. Weren't you just a few days ago crying in my arms, saying your life hasn't any sense anymore?", Herman joked before Arizona had the chance on saying something.

"I'm sorry, I'm late because I had to take Sofia to daycare. And as an excuse I brought you coffee!", Arizona smiled at Nicole, forgetting for a moment that Nicole is blind and can't see her dimpled ssmile. But before the conversation got any further, Arizona's page made itself known, letting the surgeon know that something was wrong with a patient of hers.

Arizona ended up having to take the woman and her baby into OR. Since Arizona had hoped on letting the baby stay as long as possible in the mom's uterus, Arizona had to make a c-section. The baby had barely any survival chances but still Arizona and her assistant tried their best to save the baby and the mother.

"Who is it?", Arizona aks as her phone rings. She couldn't pick up her phone herself since her hands still were deep burried in the patients uterus.

"No name, just a red heart", the nurse said. Arizona automatically knew who was calling her. She looked at the clock.
2:39 pm. That was weird. Why was Callie calling her at this time? Both of them had to work and when Arizona remembered it right then Callie should be in an OR too at the moment.

"Please pick up but turn it quiet and hold it up to my ear! It's private.", she answered, not knowing about what Callie wanted to talk.

As soon as the nurse picked up the call, the latina's beautiful voice came through the phone. Without realizing Arizona started smiling.

"Hey what are you doing right now?", Callie asked Arizona. As a response Arizona let out a little chuckle.

"I'm currently in an OR, making a c-section, what about you?"

"Oh you know, nothing important. My patient got transported to another hospital with the reason that he wanted to be more near his family. Anyway, I actually called to ask if we are still up for tonight? Sofia will be super excited!", Callie said. The both of them had planned to make a movie night in the cinema with Sofia. Sofia didn't knew anything from the plan of her which made it way more exciting.

"Of course I'm still up for tonight! I can't wait. Have you already brought the tickets?", Arizona asked with excitement. After Callie had agreed they said goodbye and hung up.

"Hi.", Arizona whispered as she entered her house. Callie had agreed on spending the night at Arizona's so Arizona had given Callie a second key.

"Hi!", Callie said as she pulled Arizona into a quick kiss. They haven't talked about what they were or what they were doing here, but both of them enjoyed it.

"I will take a quick shower and then get dressed so we can get Sofia from daycare.", Arizona said as she still had her forehead laying on Callie's forehead.
"okay, awesome. Take your time.", Callie smiled. They stayed like this for a few seconds before Arizona broke their contact.
About 45 minutes later they sat in Callie's car with Sofia on the backseat.

"Hi, we would like to have popcorn family size please.", Arizona ordered. Just a few minutes they sat in their seats. Callie and Arizona sat next to each other since Sofia wanted to be seated on the side with the wall.

While Sofia was completely focused on the movie playing, her parents only had eyes for the other one, whispering sweet little nothings in each other's ears, holding hands, feeding the other one with popcorn and sometimes gave the other one a little kiss on the hands or on the mouth.

Later that evening, Sofia couldn't stop talking about the movie they were watching. Since they were still on their home ride, they decided to make a stop at a McDonald's. After they went through the driveway and had their orders they went back to Arizona's place were the had their dinner.

Sofia then had to go to bed since she had daycare tue next day.

"Do you know what the movie was about?", Callie asked Arizona.
"Uhm no...", Arizona giggled. She pulled out two wine glasses and poured for Callie red and for herself white wine.

The two of them kept talking a bit, stole some kisses and watched TV. At around half past one the two finally went to sleep and called it a day.

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