Chapter 9

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It felt really good to talk to Callie again, even though we already talked about some things,  I feel like we have to do it more often. It's something we never did in our relationship. We always had communication problems. That's one of the reasons that we didn't work out. I would have never thought, I would live in New York one day, but I do now and even though it is still very strange to wake up in such a big city, I would do anything for my little girl. I don't have many friends here yet but I hope that this will change in a few months.

Today is the ceremony at the Robbins-Hermann Center. I am really glad that Callie agreed to go with me. Sofia is staying at her friends' house for the night. Callie is picking me up in one hour and I have to get ready.
One hour later, I heard the doorbell ring, I opened the door and there she stood with a beautiful dress and a big smile. She was always able to take my breath away.
"Arizona hey, you look really beautiful" she said with a nervous smile. I blushed and hopefully callie didn't notice.
"thanks, you too" I replied nervously and grabbed my purse. I followed her to her car, and sat in the passenger seat. It was awkwardly silent during the drive.
"Thank you for coming with me" I said to break the silence.
"I am glad you asked" she said and smiled at me. "I am very proud of you, I know I never told you that but what you have achieved is amazing and you deserve it and I am sure you will be the new rising star in fetal surgery" she added with a little chuckle.
I could see the honesty in her eyes and I smiled, making sure to show my dimples
"Thank you Callie, it means a lot"

After a 15 minutes drive, we finally arrived and it was already quite full. I didn't know most of the people, I looked for Nicole and saw her talking with a guy. As I wanted to greet her, I noticed that she is kinda flirting with him. "Unbelievable, we are only here for 5 minutes and I can already see Hermann flirting with a guy" I whispered to Callie. Callie turned her head to them and laughed.

There are a few tables with all kinds of food and drinks.
"Do you want something to drink or eat?" Callie asked me, once we settled down a bit
"just a white wine please" I replied and looked over all the people who came to support our center. I couldn't help feeling very proud of what I have achived.

"Hey Robbins, for how long have you been here?" I get interrupted in my thoughts by Hermann.
"just for half an hour, it looks very nice. We did a great job"
"I am always doing a great job, you should know that Robbins" she told me teasingly.
"Of course, you do" I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes at her.
"Anyways, there is a hot guy waiting for me, so I should go" Nicole told me with a smirk.
"How do you know, that he is hot?"
"I don't need to see someone to know that, Robbins, now if you will excuse me"
"Yeah go back flirting, but don't forget the condoms Hermann" I laughed.
"Oh trust me, I won't" she winked at me.
"Too much information Nicole" but she was already out of sight.

After a few minutes, Callie came back with two glass of wines. A white wine for me and a red wine for her.
"Here you go" she said as she handed me my glass.
"Thank you" I took a little sip from the wine.

I have to give a speech now and I started to become a bit nervous. Callie noticed that and said "you got this, you will be amazing as always. Do you remember what you said to me when I had to give that speech? You said, I should imagine them naked. Maybe you should try that too" this made me laugh a little.

As I entered the stage, I felt all eyes on me. I looked at Callie, before I began:

Hello, Hi, Hey... My name is Arizona Robbins. I'm really happy to be able to stand here tonight, give a speech and just celebrate the opening of the Robbins - Herman - Center for woman's health.

So first things first: thank you all for coming tonight. We, Dr. Herman, our crew and I are super excited to be able to open our center here in New York. A city where a lot of women can easily get to. A city where Dr. Herman, our crew and I will save thousands of babies and women.
But enough with the formalities.

Dr. Nicole Herman. A woman who teaches me how to save babies and their parents before and after she got blind. She teached me, explained everything to me, every little detail. And sure she got mad at me sometimes but that makes her an even better teacher and doctor. And without her, we wouldn't stand here tonight. So please, a loud applause for Dr. Nicole Herman!", I made a little pause to applaud as well. As I was looking through the crowd I saw Callie sitting in the front row. She held her thumbs up and smiled at me. I give her a soft smile. Our eyes meet and for a second or two, I forget where I am.

"i think the next applaus we should give goes to all the people who supported us. Of course a huge thank you to Dr. Amelia Shepard who saved Dr. Herman's life. But also a huge thank you to all our friends and families, to our loved ones and to those who supported us and who And to those who encouraged us to do so." A loud applaus broke through the room and I gave Nicole's assistent a sign that I was about done with my speech, so he could tell Nicole to come up to stage next to me. I greeted her with a hug and whispered a 'thank you' in her ear.

I then brought her to the microphone since she wanted to say something as well.

"Hello, I'm Nicole Herman. The founder of the enter.

When I told Robbins I wanted to open a clinic, this clinic, the first thing she did was asking if we could open it here. At first I was a little confused. All her friends lived in Seattle, everything she worked so hard for was in Seattle. But the only reasowe are being here in New York was that she wanted to make her child happy. She can relate how it is to be separated from their child. And even tho her child is healthy and alive and not a baby anymore, she always wants what best for the child. When I agreed on opening it here, we'll I would say you could see the joy in her eyes, but I was blind already, so I'll say you could her the joy in her voice.
So, not only should we give me credits but also her. A loud applause to Dr. Arizona Robbins please!"

I just stood there, a little shocked but still smiling. This was not the speech she gave me when we rehearsed it...

"You were amazing, I am so proud of you" Callie said to me as I got off the stage.
The evening was a success, it was really fun and we managed to get a really good donation. Callie and I decided to call it an end
I am a bit exhausted and my prosthetic is starting to bother me.
"Wait a second, I need to go to the toilet" I told Callie.
I made my way to the toilets and as I opened the door, I saw the women, whose heart I have broken, leaning on the sink.

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