Chapter Eight

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Danielle's POV
Fuck Feelings

The music was way too loud for my liking but I had no choice but to stay cause it was own bachelorette's party. We were at a club and honestly I would've rather been at a quiet place by myself. The wedding was in less than twenty-four hours and Stella and I weren't even in a good place to begin with. My head was a buzz, my heart stuck between the wedding and Molly. Molly, I now knew exactly what I felt for her and I hated it. I hated how someone easily came into my life and made me make choices that would ruin other people's lives. But Molly just wasn't someone, she was the woman who as crazy as it might sound right now, she owned my heart.

I took a sip of water. Yes, it was my bachelorette's party and I was drinking water. Liz though on the other hand was drowning herself in alcohol. I knew from the moment I saw her that something was bothering her, or rather, from the way her eyes took the life out of mine, I was the one bothering her. I couldn't help but wonder if she knew about me and Molly for real or if she was just assuming when she told Stella. I couldn't help but wonder if she'd came onto Stella because she was hurt about Molly and I. I also couldn't help but find it insane that I was already over the fact that Liz had actually done that, the only thing that consumed me was the fear that mine and Molly's fuck-spree was over. Honestly, wouldn't you be concerned about the same thing if you were in my shoes?

"What do you think about Molly?"

I froze. Liz looked at me with her droopy eyes, drunkenly slurring something else that my ears couldn't catch. I could feel the sound of my heartbeat threaten to overpower the music playing in the club. She wouldn't just ask me about Molly if she didn't know anything right?

I cleared my throat, looking everywhere else except Liz's eyes, "What about Molly?"

"You think I made a great choice?"

"I don't know Molly enough to know that."

She snickered, grabbing another glass of vodka and downing it in one go, "But you spend most times hanging around with her, both of you are literally attached to the hip."

"Uhm," I cleared my throat again, "Can you excuse me for a bit."

Without waiting for her to say anything else, I hurriedly got to my feet and made my way to the bathroom. I knew it wasn't the best idea to just up and leave but I couldn't handle confrontation or whatever Liz was doing. At the bathroom, I splashed my face with water. Yesterday I had lied to Stella and told her Liz lied about everything and that she probably did that because she wanted her. It's crazy how easy it was for me to lie and not regret it at all. I didn't even know why I kept doing this when my feelings were clear. I was in love with Molly.
I let out a shaky breath. I had to go back to Liz and try by all means to be normal but before that I needed to text Molly and let her know that things were going astray. I fumbled for my phone, not finding it in neither my jean pockets nor my jacket. I cursed underneath my breath, remembering exactly where I left it and hoping to the universe that Liz hadn't seen it.

The universe definitely wasn't on my side. I strode, quickly and fiercely but I knew it was of no use. My phone had no passcode and Liz had most certainly seen everything she needed. There was no way out, deep down in my heart I knew everything was about to fall apart.

"What are you doing?," I pretended I was mad, snatching my phone away from her hand.

"What am I doing!? What the fuck have you been doing with my wife?"

"Liz ---"

Her hand grabbed the glass of vodka she'd been drinking and she threw it towards me. The pain of the glass hitting my shoulder blades as I dismally attempted to avoid it wasn't much compared to the fear overpowering my panicked heart. Everyone's attention was now on the both of us. It was a slap in the face, a gut wrenching kick up my ass. She heaved, jumping at me wholeheartedly meaning to beat the shit out of me but I was helped by the people that restrained her.

"You're getting married," there was disbelief in her voice then a knowing, "Molly and I were getting married."

"I'm sorry."

"You're sorry," she laughed unamused, "You're sorry you're cheating on your fiancé or you're sorry I also know you cheated on her way before she earned that title."

"Liz ---"

"You're sorry because I caught you, because you know this is fucked up."

I hated the attention we'd grabbed. Clearly everyone now clearly knew they'd be no wedding anymore and that I was a total fuck up. I had never wished for anyone to find out like this, I never actually wished for anyone to find out.

"Stella ---"

"I'll tell her," I spoke, "Please just let me tell her, it would hurt less."

"You're such an idiot," she said, bumping my shoulder as she moved past. I watched her leave without another word. There was nothing left to say. Liz knew and the wedding was definitely over. My heart beat out of my skin and the only question that played in my head was, was Molly worth all of this? Honestly, I wasn't sure yet but we were gonna find out sooner or later.


Author's Note.

I sincerely apologise for the late chapters, I went through a massive writer's block and I've been dealing with life. I recently turned 21 and that's been a lot to deal with, adulthood isn't as simple as I assumed it was. Anyways, the last two chapters are coming in later today! Will finally be saying goodbye to Molly and Danielle, it was a long journey filled with a lot of emotions for me. I almost gave up on this book but you can never give up on the things you love right. So as much as it's a short chapter I hope you loved it! And, do you think there's gonna be a wedding *wink*

Thank you so much for your support guys, I appreciate it a lot and I know I don't know you all but I know that if you still here then you love this book as much as I do and I love you for that. Until next time.

Love _rae

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