Chapter Six

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Danielle's POV

When I first met Molly something in me happened. If you've been with me from the beginning then you know when she told me how she felt I told her point blank that I didn't love her. You'd know how much of a drunk wreck I was on her wedding day when I made my infamous speech. Truth is I was conflicted and caught between my knowledge of my feelings towards her and the realisation that falling for her meant I would have to break Stella's heart. And you might not believe me but that never was my intention from the get go and it still isn't.

I love Stella but what I find myself feeling for Molly is way too intense. It's not just sex, it's her as a person, it's how I feel like we fit together even though she isn't mine. I want her and I love the thought of having her. Would that be a reality, I honestly don't know. Would I ever tell her, I doubted it.

Here I was standing outside the bathroom door cause my fiancé had locked me out and I was deep in thought about another woman. Stella was taking a shower and I was sure she was mad at me because I had refused to join her.

I stood there, patiently waiting for her to come out so I could try my best to apologise but honestly I didn't feel like I wanted to. I thought it was stupid of her to be pissed off over a bath. I was about to give up and leave when the door flung open a few minutes after and she came out in all her glory, bumping and pushing me aside to create a way for her to pass.

"Are you really mad cause I didn't take a bath with you?," I genuinely asked, receiving no response from her end. I got up and went closer to her in an attempt to touch her waist and pull her to me but she pushed me back.

"Could you just stop."


"I'm not in the fuckin' mood Danielle."

I felt my heart sting. Something was wrong with her, but what.

"What do you mean you're not in the mood?"

She rolled her eyes, moving away from me, "I'm pretty sure you're smart enough to know it's self explanatory."

I sighed and sat back down on the bed, pouting a little bit hoping she'd apologise and say she was joking or something but none of that came. Quietly, I watched her change and she avoided me like a plague. I wondered why she was acting up and nothing really came to mind.

"Did I do something wrong?," I finally decided to ask, breaking the awkward silence. "Besides refusing to take a bath with you of course."

She sighed, then said, "Are you sure you still want to get married?"

"Stella ---"

"Are you sure Danielle?"

Her expression was stone cold. I fumbled with the hem of my shirt, mentally slapping myself for taking long to answer.

"Danielle, are you sure you want to spend the rest of your life with me?"

"If I wasn't sure I wouldn't have proposed Stella."

A stray tear escaped from her and as if I was nailed down to where I was sitting, I just watched as she quickly wiped it off. The action was futile though as just then more tears trickled down her cheeks. I watched from afar, silently wondering what I was supposed to do. Part of me wanted to tell her that I wasn't sure, that I had fallen inlove with Molly, that I didn't want to get married anymore; but, that would hurt her. That would tear her apart and I didn't want that.

"I'm not sure anymore," she spoke softly through sobs, "I know I love you but I'm not sure you love me as much as I do you."

I stood, "I love you."

"You don't mean it."

"Stella," I took her hand and this time she let me, "I love you. These are just wedding jitters, your nerves are getting to you. We can do this. We're happy, you're happy, I'm happy."

The last two words I wasn't sure about. She grabbed hold of me and fell into my arms. Her whole weight was on me. She clung on me like dear life. I hugged her back, feeling her tears wet my shirt. Her soft sobs were the only form of noise in the room. I knew I was a bad guy. I knew what I was doing wasn't right, but, I also knew that what I felt for Molly was real. If I were to choose between her and Stella, I would choose her, Molly, the woman who poured her feelings to me and I nonchalantly brushed them aside as if I didn't care when wholeheartedly I did.

"It's only a day left till we get married," she spoke, "Liz ---"

I thought she would continue but she didn't. Pulling apart from her, I stared into her bloodshot red eyes urging her to finish her sentence but she looked aside and stepped back, clearly about to avoid what was to come.

"What about Liz?," I asked, curious but mostly for some reason, scared. I felt the drum of my heartbeat thud.

"What about Liz," I enquired again, this time a sense of urgency dripping from my tone. Stella stared at me for a moment but then again turned away from me. My nerves skyrocketed.

"Liz," she took a breath, "she told me things."

"What things?"

"Danielle are you cheating on me?"

Her question left me dumbfounded. I was quiet for a while, just staring blankly into space. I might have looked calm but in my head there was chaos. Liz knew, Liz told Stella, did Molly already know that they knew? Again, Stella began to cry. I felt like a deer caught in the headlights. I was exposed and like an idiot I just stood there looking foolish.

"I didn't want to believe her. I don't want to believe her Danielle," she croaked, "I don't cause she came onto me and ---"

"She came onto you," I found my voice, "What that fuck does that mean?"

"That's not the fuckin' issue Danielle, the issue is ---"

"Did you and Liz fuck!?"

"Did you and Molly fuck!?"

We both spoke in unison, eyes shot at each other. I staggered back a bit due to the force of her words. She knew, Liz knew, Molly should know. That's the only thing that played in my head. My heart pounded against my skin, my hands became sweaty. Liz came onto Stella. Liz wanted to sleep with Stella. My Stella. What the hell!

Stella's sobs took my attention once again. She slowly moved towards me and cupped my cheeks in her warm hands. Her eyes took me in. She was hurt, she was mad, she clearly wanted to know the truth.

"Danielle be honest with me, for the sake of the love you so dearly proclaim you have for me," she whispered, her tone venomous, "Did you fuck Molly?"

SECRET GAMES (BOOK 2) (girlxgirl) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon