Being in his embrace made me cry more and more and he had to spent more than one hour in coaxing me that it was perfectly fine and he was understanding. I felt asleep while still grumbling and complaining.

When I woke up in morning, I found myself tucked into the blanket and Ae was still beside me with his arm wrapped around my waist. I must have drained him off mentally last night from all my ugly sobbing. He didn't say a word but just held me close all the while till I felt asleep.

I stirred a bit to get up and my movements woke him up. He opened his eyes and then looked at me and smiled. He came closer and pecked my lips before whispering good morning. I smiled at him and then wished him back. I can see that his gaze was tender as he looked at me.

"Feeling better?" he asked. "Khrab... I am sorry for all the trouble last night. I was feeling a bit down after realizing that the results were negative." I said. He pulled me close to his chest and began to fondle with my hairs while he spoke, "It's alright my baby doll... I can understand. But don't be upset na.... It makes me feel heartbroken seeing your smile fade away."

I rested my head on his chest listening to his heart beat while I replied, "I didn't mean to hurt you Ae... I was just disappointed seeing the test results being negative. I guess I have been being over-dramatic. I just don't know what to do, I want to have my own family.... And this feelings are so strong that when the results are not as per expected, I feel really low." I confessed.

"It's alright my love. Don't be disheartened. We will keep trying but for now, you need to get fresh. We are going out for shopping." He said. Hearing the offer of shopping did lift my mood and I gave him my bright smile.

"Can we ask Can to tag along?" I asked in a pleading tone, for my own reasons, it was better to have Can with me. I wanted to buy few things that needed his guidance. "Okay... I'll let him know and you better hurry to get fresh. I'll be waiting for you at the dining table. I just need to make some urgent calls." He informed.

He kissed my forehead before climbing out of the bed and heading in the direction of the secret door. I left the bed too and dragged myself to the bathroom in order to clean up. I took my time completing my morning routing and then slipped into comfortable clothes before making my way downstairs.

When I arrived at the dining table, I saw that Ae was already present and waiting for me. He flashed me a bright smile as I walked towards him. I made myself comfortable in my usual seat and the maids rushed to serve the food but this time Ae raised his hands stopping them in tracks.

"From now on, I would prefer to have some privacy while having meals with Pete so you don't have to wait to serve food. You can go back and resume your duties, I will take care of everything." Ae ordered. The maids nodded in response and then bowed before walking out of the dining room silently.

"Ae why did yo-" my sentence was left unfinished as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. The next moment, I was sitting on his lap with his one hand wrapped around my waist. "I need some privacy with you. Ever since we have returned from vacation, it's really difficult for me to keep my hands to myself especially when you look so tempting. Besides..... I will remain busy whole day so I don't want to waste a single chance to be with you." He explained.

"But Ae, what if someone walks in?" I asked. "Then, I'll ask them to leave. I will let everyone know that I shouldn't be disturbed during meals. Will that be fine for you?" he asked. I nodded in response and smiled.

"That's like my baby doll. Now, let me feed you the breakfast before leaving for shopping. I have already talked to Can and he had already assigned everyone the duties for the wedding preparations. We need to buy our wedding dresses that's the only thing left for two of us." He said.

"Okay..." I replied in a low tone. He then pulled me closer and pressed his lips to mine kissing me softly. There was no desire, no lust but pure affection and adoration. After a while he pulled away and then began to serve the food. He fed me breakfast while eating himself in between. It will be more convenient to say that we shared the food.

We were almost done with the meal when Can barged in. I hurried to get up but Ae held me tightly. "Ae... Leave!!" I whispered yelled. "No!!" he said firmly. Can came straight in our direction and sat down in front of us. "So, I am all ready for shopping!! When are we leaving?" he asked.

"Right now... We are done with breakfast." Ae informed. "Okay!! I have asked Tin to come along. It will be better to have some people with us." Can said. Bish!! Are you trying to give Ae a hint? I looked at Can with wide eyes and he winked at me.

"Good... That will be better. Besides, Tin is someone whom I can trust to be with us." Ae replied. Wow!!! Now that's a good thing. It will be easier to convince Ae into accepting their relationship. I just need to be careful and use the best opportunity to disclose the news and not ruin it up.

We walked out of the mansion heading towards the car. I purposely grabbed Can's wrist and pulled him behind. "Bish!! Are you serious?? What if Ae finds out about your relationship?" I warned. "Don't worry. This won't give me away. The fact that Ae agreed to take Tin along is because he had saved my life more than two times. So Ae trusts him to be around us and also, he is the best man we have in our team. So, don't worry... Ae, won't get a whiff of it. Besides, I wanted to ask you about something. Did you check?" Can diverted the topic back to me.

I sighed and then pouted while replying, "Yes... I did, the results are negative. I don't know what's wrong. I expected it to be positive."

"It's alright Pete.... It may take time but I am sure to hear the good news soon. The way Ae is being clinging with you makes it clear that you will definitely be roaming around with swollen belly in coming months!" Can teased.

"CAN!!!" I whispered yelled while looking at him with a sulking face. "What's going on there?" Ae's voice made us both snap our head in his direction and found him looking at us with suspicious look. "Err... It's nothing..." I tried to cover up.

"Can, don't you dare ask him or rather remind him about testing kits you handed him last night. I am not allowing you both to do anything like that again till there are symptoms that point to Pete being pregnant. I don't want to see him getting upset again." Ae deadpanned.

"But Ae - " Can was cut off mid-sentence by Ae's words, "No buts!! Get into the car both of you."

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