(7) A Talking Snowman!

Start from the beginning

Y/n: "Come on, it's just a head."

To Anna.

Anna: "No!"

Olaf's body runs back and forth, arms waving.

Olaf: "All right, we got off to a bad start."

Anna: "Ew, ew, the body!"

Anna slams Olaf's head back on the body, upside down. Olaf smiles happily, then looks confused.

"Wait, what am I looking at right now? Why are you hanging off the earth like a bat?" Olaf asks, confused.

"...Okay. Wait one second."

Y/n kneels in front of Olaf and puts his head upright.

"Oooh! Thank you!"

"You're welcome."

"Now I'm perfect."

Anna looks over his innocent face and gets an idea.

"Well, almost." Y/n confirms.

Anna digs into Kristoff's satchel, holds up a carrot just as Olaf turns toward her. The carrot accidentally slams all the way through his head making Y/n and Kristoff wince.

"Woo! Head rush!" Olaf exclaims.

"Oh! Too hard. I'm sorry! I-I, I was just.... Are you okay?" Anna apologies.

Olaf sees a tiny piece of carrot sticking out between his eyes. His face lights up.

"Are you kidding me? I am wonderful! I've always wanted a nose. So cute. It's like a little baby unicorn." Olaf says going cross eyed.

Y/n reaches behind Olaf to the bulk of the carrot sticking out the back of his head, and pushes it forward.

"What? Hey! Whoa." Olaf exclaims.

"Oh, I love it even more! Hah.... All right, let's start this thing over. Hi everyone. I'm Olaf. And I like warm hugs."

Olaf opens his arms wide to the girls. That triggers a memory. It takes her a moment to place it, but then she does.

"Olaf?" Anna asks.

"...That's right, Olaf!" Y/n says remembering him.

"...And you are?" Olaf asks.

"Oh, um...I'm Anna." Anna says, gesturing to herself. "And this is my sister Y/n."

"And who's the funky-looking donkey over there?

"That's Sven." Anna answers.

"Uh-huh. And who's the reindeer?"

"...Sven." Y/n says, shrugging her shoulders towards Kristoff.

Olaf looks from Kristoff to Sven, confused.

"Oh. They're-oh, okay.... Makes things easier for me." Olaf says what he thinks is the truth.

Sven tries to bite Olaf's nose.

"Ha. Aw, look at him tryin' to kiss my nose. I like you, too!" Olaf tells him obvious.

"Olaf, did Elsa build you?" Y/n asks, surprised that their magic could make a living thing.

"Yeah. Why?"

Curious, Kristoff takes one of Olaf's twig arms off and studies it.

"Do you know where she is?" Anna asks, hopefully.

"Fascinating..." Kristoff says studying the arm.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Do you think you could show us the way?" Anna asks, excitedly.

"Yeah. Why?"

"How does this work?" Kristoff asks himself, bending the arm.

Olaf's dismembered arm slaps Kristoff across the face. Y/n tries to hide a chuckle.

"Stop it, Sven. Trying to focus here. Yeah, why?"

"I'll tell you why. We need Elsa to help bring back summer." Kristoff tells him.

"Summer? Oh, I don't know why but I've always loved the idea of summer, and sun, and all things hot." Olaf explains his thoughts.

"Really? I'm guessing you don't have much experience with heat." Kristoff assumes.

"Nope! But sometimes I like to close my eyes and imagine what it'd be like when summer does come."

In Olaf's Imagination:

Olaf walks through a grassy meadow with the sun shining behind him. He SINGS.

Olaf: Bees'll buzz

Kids'll blow dandelion fuzz

And I'll be doing whatever snow does in summer

A drink in my hand

My snow up against the burning sand

Prob'ly getting gorgeously tanned in summer

I'll finally see a summer breeze blow away a winter storm

And find out what happens to solid water when it gets warm

And I can't wait to see

What my buddies all think of me

Just imagine how much cooler I'll be in summer

Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle

But put me in summer and I'll be a...happy snowman!

When life gets rough, I like to hold on to my dream

Of relaxing in the summer sun, just lettin' off steam

(Sven, Anna, Y/n, Kristoff and Olaf have a picnic.)

Oh, the sky will be blue

And you guys will be there too

When I finally do what frozen things do in summer!

"I'm gonna tell him." Y/n says smugly.

"Don't you dare." Anna orders Y/n.


Olaf sings the final note. He then gets back to reality, straightens up, and smiles.

"So, come on! Elsa's this way. Let's go bring back summer!" Olaf yells, excitedly.

Olaf grabs Anna's hand and pulls her along up the mountain.

"I'm coming!" Anna laughs.

Sven hops along, happily following them. Kristoff and Y/n watch all of them like they're nuts.

"Somebody's gotta tell him." Kristoff says.

"I'll let you do that" Y/n says.

Kristoff watches her walk away, laughing softly.

Kristoff watches her walk away, laughing softly

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(1326 Words)

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