「 01 | Day of the Great Devourer 」

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Shoutout to @LuckyBugBooks for giving me so many amazing writing tips and for proofreading part of this chapter! Thanks for all your help!

2788 words

I've had numerous identities throughout my life. Almost every one of those lives were just façades I wore. All of them had been carefully crafted masks—all of them except one.

Now, I know what you're thinking: Why can't I just skip to the exciting part, or better yet, spill the beans already! You've probably already heard about how the Great Devourer took my family from me, and you've probably already seen Gayle Gossip's interview with the royal family when they adopted me, therefore this may be old news you don't want to hear again.

It's not that easy.

I... I'm not simply re-telling my life's story. Well, I am, which is why I want you to listen to the entire thing, but I'm also showing you my perspective. I am far from the best storyteller, so the telling of my story will be in a funny manner, however, I'm doing this because this is the only way I feel I can get you to understand my pain.

I just want someone—anyone—to hear my hardships and... empathise with me. I guess all I want is some sympathy. I know it sounds and makes me weak, and I absolutely hate being weak, but I can't help it. I want so badly for someone to take the burdens off my shoulders and help me carry them. And I'd prefer it if the very person who destroyed my life could listen, but he's not here, so I have to settle for you.

Life has never been fair for anyone and has especially been unfair to me for taking both my parents at such a young age. In my opinion, the least anyone can do for me is to hear what I have to say. And, maybe if you gain my trust early on, I'll tell you the secret sooner than later, assuming you stay.

So back to what I was saying, that one true Harumi was my very first life.

. . .

I was born and spent my early childhood in a small town of rice farmers known as the Village in the Valley, before my family and I moved to the suburbs of Ninjago City. The suburbs are the crowded part of the town, with countless rundown brick condos blocking out the blue sky and packed seas of people swarming the narrow asphalt streets every single day. Under the neon glow of billboards and city lights lies a metropolis divided: The affluent downtown—the 'Marketplace of Opportunity' Ninjago is said to be. And everywhere else surrounding the city's heart—slum-like suburbs crawling with crime and people who cheat others.

In the past, I had both hated and loved the city—my city—at the same time. I hated all the unfairness and injustices that happened all the time. I hated that the rich got richer, and the poor got poorer and worse-off with each passing day. I used to really loathe the place, sometimes wishing we hadn't moved at all, but then again, Ninjago has gradually taken over a part of my heart—the city is my home, too, and I love it nonetheless. There's just so much I wish I could change.

Life isn't just. It's not fair that some people were born less fortunate than others. It's not fair that there's just too many bad guys and not enough heroes. I'd spent my childhood days dreaming about being a superhero who could fix everything. I'd wanted to be a crimefighter, and although my parents were supportive of the idea, according to them I wasn't not 'big enough' yet, and wouldn't be anytime soon. I knew that was a lie. Yes, I'd been young and slightly naïve at the time, but my parents only said that because they wanted to protect me from the harshness of reality. I appreciate that, but life doesn't stretch on forever, which is why I tried to make the most out of what I had.

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