SS - he's different......

Start from the beginning

"Then why are you here"

After I said  that, I couldn't understand a word he was saying. I was perplexed, if not shocked. What brings him here? I focused on what he was displaying right in front of my eyes. It was a bar of chocolate.

"What's this?" I said even though I already knew it was a chocolate bar. I waited patiently for his words.

"I read on the internet that giving a girl chocolate would cheer her up so here you go" He brings it closer to my face and motions for me to accept it.

He read something on the internet? What did he mean by that? I took another look at the chocolate before reluctantly taking it from his hand. I quickly remove the wrapper and take a bite out of it.

As the chocolate spreads throughout my mouth, it soon melts. I'm thinking about something sad once more. I recall always wrapping a Valentine's gift just for my sister. Buying the most costly and tasty chocolate possible. Instead, she turned it down. Leaving the chocolate to me. I couldn't just waste it so I ate the chocolate. Despite its great quality, it tasted really terrible. Why?

When I heard a voice, I was thrown out of my thoughts.

"Sooooo, how do you like it?" He said as I bite into the chocolate. From the wrapper alone, I can tell it wasn't expensive, but why did it taste so different?

"Hm.. I don't really like chocolate but I guess this is an exception" I doubted myself when I said that.

I've always liked chocolate and attempted to share it with my sister, but she always turned me down.

I was once again pulled from my thoughts by a question he asked. "What is your name?" I was reluctant because I had never told anyone else my name; the only people who knew were my relatives.

I've always been oblivious to those around me, and I've even ignored anyone who tries to invite me or ask me something. But why am I not shoving someone away this time?

Is it because of what my sister said? Or Is it because I'm simply not in the mood to push him away? 

I slightly opened my mouth before closing it again. I…. I had no idea what to do. Is this for the better? Any normal person would have given their name by now, But I never believed that giving my name to someone would be good to me.

I considered it, I took a quick breath before opening my mouth to speak, gathering enough courage to utter it.

"Horikita…….. suzune." There it is…I said…my name….to someone…

I was so preoccupied with my thoughts that I didn't hear what he said, but I wasn't so preoccupied that I didn't hear him mentioning his name.

He offered his hand to me which I gladly accepted, then unexpectedly he got closer and closer to me.

He leans in carefully, wrapping his arms around my waist, causing me to back up on the bench. I was surprised by how smooth his hair was. Despite the fact that I could tell he hadn't showered because he was still dressed in his school uniform and some of the buttons on his shirt were unbuttoned, it was still incredible that It was very smooth and soft.

Wait. Why am I enjoying this?

"W-what are you doing?" I tried to push him away, yet I made so little effort.

"I also read on the internet that hugging a girl will make her feel better. Are you bothered by this?" He slowly backed away. Unwrapping his arms on me.

And also did he say the internet again? Is he for real?

"You know….you shouldn't really trust the internet that much.." I say my honest thoughts. Still, it seemed surprising that he had so much faith in the internet that he would go so far as to just give me a hug….

But I did something I never imagined myself doing.

I stopped his hands from leaving my waist before he could get any further away. "But I guess it isn't so bad..." I remark, smiling a little...why am I feeling this way again?

My heart began to pound faster for some reason. Why? I knew I was blushing, but I had to force myself to stop. Hugging is all this is. There's nothing else.

We hugged for a few minutes before finally letting go. Wow that felt amazing? I guess this was a first for me I guess.

(I saw somewhere saying that people get a hug on a daily basis do y'all get hugs?)

He then gently unwraps his arms from around my waist and sat next to me. He then began to speak something unexpected to me.

"Hey, who was that girl that hit you?" He said to me. Did he see it? Was he watching? That would be the most logical reason here, since he wouldn't just ask that out of the blue.

I sighed. and told everything to him I also told him about my obsession with my sister, something I wouldn't tell anyone about but felt required to tell him about. I'm very crazy now that I think about it. Huh? This could be why my sister pushes me away. When I explained this to him, though, he just looked at me blankly, not even surprised or disturbed by my explanation.

After that, I said everything my sister had said to me. As he looked at me carefully with those golden eyes that seemed to shine, he seemed genuinely interested in my narrative about my sister. He also gave me some of his stories, which were both interesting and hilarious, as I giggled at times about his school experiences. 

This was truly enjoyable for me. Other than my sister, I didn't think anyone could make me feel like this. This is unusual. Why am I reacting differently when he expressed interest in my narrative or smiled for a little moment?

This is the first time I've met someone like this. Or perhaps there are many people like this, but I never really got to know them because I pushed them away and ignored them.

'You still think being isolated is more than enough. So you push people away from you just because they wanted let you see what you can't see'

Perhaps this is why my sister said something to me. Because I was always isolated and alone, I couldn't see anything. Things might change. Perhaps I could finally see what my sister meant. What it means to have someone by your side..........

Maybe....just......maybe.... I could learn.. because.. he's different....

The End.

NOTE: Horikita does not love him( とヨ卞)

She only sees him as a minor friend not really sure if he's a friend or not.

Also I've noticed there's a lot of why's in this chapter might rewrite this later.

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