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"Sometimes I wonder if a goat gave birth to you,Jordan" Penny Lane laughed at Jordan as he ate aggressively. I rolled my eyes and spinned the bottle again.

It landed on me and Jack. I glanced at him. His twin brother,Jordan nudged him and chuckled.

"Great,Jack,I dare you to..." Penny glanced at me and I secretly begged her with my eyes but she shrugged.

"I dare you to kiss Freya" Jack looked shocked and his jawline clenched. Jack and Jordan are both handsome but Jack is handsomER. They don't really look alike.

"Penny" I whispered. She glanced at me and smiled.

"It's just a harmless dare" I like Jack. Yes,I know I like Jack but he doesn't. I hope my blushing face doesn't betray me.

"Hey" I heard Jack's soft voice call and my icy blue eyes bore into his warm brown ones.

"Doing it or na" I sighed and nodded.

"It's just a dare" Jack came over to my side and put his hand under my chin,turning my face to meet his.

"You mustn't do this if you don't want to" He whispered. His minty fresh breath hitting my face. It's just a dare.

I shut my eyes and few seconds later,I felt Jack's lips on mine. They felt soft and warm.

Next,I felt his hand on my arm as he gently kissed me. I felt goosebumps on my body as the kiss lasted longer than it should.

"Um...is this still a dare?" I heard Jordan ask Penny.

"I don't know,should we let them?" I didn't hear anything else as Jack's other hand went behind my neck as he kissed me.

"Jack" I mumbled into the kiss. He stopped slowly and pulled away. His cheeks were pink and his jaw was clenched again.

"I'm sorry" He mumbled,trying to avoid my stare. I bit my bottom lip. Jack just kissed me.

"Wow,the tension is so thick you can cut through it" Jordan chuckled and Penny punched his arm.

I felt Jack's stare on me. When I glanced at him,he looked away quickly.

We had more rounds of just dares and I couldn't help thinking of the kiss and how long it lasted and Jack's hands on my arm and neck...

"Freya?" I heard Jack call me.

"You spaced out" he said again.

"The game's done,were tired. Wanna go for some icecream?" Penny stood up and dusted her apron gown.

"Sure" Jordan grabbed Penny's hand to help him stand up but she pulled her arm away,causing him to fall back down on his butt.

Penny burst out laughing at him as Jordan groaned in pain.

I felt Jack staring at me again. I looked at him and this time he didn't look away,he smiled and stood up,stretching out his hand for me.

I took it and got up,dusting my apron gown.

Penny and Jordan stared at us with a cheeky smile.

"Whatever" They chorused and rolled their eyes. I picked a pebble and threw it at Penny,she dodged it and took off,running.

I ran after her,shouting her name as she laughed at me. I turned to see if the boys were coming.

I found Jack pulling his brother's head down and knocking him.

I smiled to myself. Jack Harlow.  Such a gentle kisser. I grinned.

Did you like it? Was it cute? Tell me in the comments too. I'd appreciate and tell me if they're acting a little childish for 17. And by the way,Jack and Jordan are 18.

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