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Wilhelm wakes up in his room. He feels the icy cold air of his dorm on his skin. He misses waking up with Simon by his said. The two would keep each other warm. He loved going to sleep with Simon, because the first thing he would see in the morning was his boyfriend's beautiful face. He liked that a lot. It brought him happiness and god knows he needed it considering his life was changed forever within that last few months. The only way he made it through was Simon's warmth and love. He needed Simon just as much as he needed air. Even the cold air that filled his room. Without leaving his bed he grabs his phone from the table next to him and flips it open. He sees he has a new message and believes it to be from Simon but is slightly disappointed to see it was from Felice.

He opens the messenger app and clicks on Felice's contact to see what she sent. He sees the words on his screen shining from the brightness. "Meet me by the pond at 11". So that's exactly what he did. He got out of bed and started to get dressed. He pit on his usual outfit of jeans and a tee covered by a sweater. He exits his room, accompanied by Malin, and makes his way to the pond.

Felice was sitting on a bench taking in the landscape in front of her for it would be one of the last times she would. Wilhelm sits next to her and she smiles.
Even though the words she was about to speak where heavy and hard, she felt a softness in her like she was going to end then lighter then air. "I need to tell you something Wilhelm." She says as sadness washes over her face. "If it's about last night I already know" he speaks. "It's kind of about that" she begins "Well someone saw me and Sara and my mother found out from one of the staff and I'm being sent to a new school." She ends, she feels the exact opposite of how she thought. She tells as thought instead of being like the breeze in the air she has sunken like a stone in water. "We'll still she each other right?" He asks. "I doubt, It's in Finland." She answers. Wilhelm scoops her into a hug. A tear forms in his eye. She was one of his closest friends even and was one of the only people there for him when his life went to shit. "I'm going to miss you" he says. "Me too" she replies. The two stay at the bench for a while before parting ways. Felice was still at Hillerska for now, but only for the week. After that she would be gone.

Sorry for the short chapter of just wanted to make a little update for this story. It's gonna be a while before I update again bc I've just been very unmotivated to write this. Sorry for the wait and I'll update when every I feel like it. Bye bitches

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