Bus stop

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Breakfast had ended by the time Wilhelm had finally decided to get out of bed. It has been so long that lunch was about to start in a few minutes. The two stand outside of the dining hall when Wilhelm looks to Simon "Do you want to eat lunch with me instead?" He asks holding his hand out.

"Yes I would" Simon replies with a smile on his face. He takes Wilhelm's hand and begins to walk into the room.

They take a seat next to each other at the table. Still locking hand under the table as they wait to eat. Many other people are getting there after weekend practices. Other people such as the ugly rat dumb fuck maxi pad that hasn't been changed in seven years looking fat roach August. Of course he was sitting allowed cause he want to near a disgusting poor whore that looks like a trash can lit on fire? After about five minutes the food is layer out and people begin to stand. Everyone huddles around a small table with food scattered around it.

Within minutes all out the food is taken and everyone's plates were so full that l they couldn't hold anymore food. The room is as loud as a hurricane siren. For those of you luck souls that haven't experienced a room full of just teen boys just imagine hell. And that's exactly what this dining hall was, hell.

The food was bland and lacked much flavor.  That maybe had to do with the fact that it was infected by the disgusting August oxygen. Another reason why the dining hall was hell, because that snot nosed bitch was in there. After they had finished their food, Wilhelm had taken both of their plates to put them with the other dishes. He returns to Simon and takes his hand. Simon stands up and the both of them leave the room.

The two walk around outdoors feeling the cold breeze on their skin. "Do you want to come to my house tonight?" Simon asks. "I'd like that" Wilhelm says with a slight smile. Wilhelm liked Simon's house. Mainly because he was always with Simon. But he felt like he was normal there, not just the prince but a regular person. That's all he wanted.

The both of them walk along the tree lined path. The gravel making noises after each step. Wilhelm looks up to see the gaps of sunlight between the trees before it's covered by the clouds. The trip comes to an end when the reach the bus stop. Simon leads Wilhelm to the bench as they wait for the bus.

Because they just missed Simon's bus they had to wait a little. The sign said is would be a fifteen minute wait but for some reason it was longer. Simon had dozed off, leaving his head to fall onto Wilhelm's shoulder. Wilhelm looked down to see that Simon hadn't let go of his hand. He smiled and carefully as to not wake up Simon, placed his head on the others

About ten minutes passed is due time, the bus pulled up to the stop. Wilhelm gently taps Simon's shoulder to wake him up. He flutters his eyes open then rubs them.

"Your bus is here" Wilhelm says. He stands up and reaches his hand out. Simon takes it to pull him self up. The two walk to the doors of the bus and wait for them to open. Once they do Simon steps up and terns around. He quickly leans down and pecks Wilhelm's lips. He terns back and the doors close.

Simon walks down the aisle until he finds an empty set near the back of the bus. The set was uncomfortable to say the least. They were that itchy fabric on top of the hard plastic sets. The window was a bit dirty which made things look kind of bleary and gray, but he lays his head on it anyway.

Wilhelm stand nears the covering of the bench with his hands in his coat pockets. As the bus begins to move he removes one hand and waves to Simon. Simon smiles then closes his eyes.

After the bus drives off Wilhelm stays near the bench. He sits down letting out a breath of air he can see in the cold air. He stays there for a while looking up into the trees surrounding him. He eventually gets up and starts heading to his room.


He walks down the halls of the dorms, eventually getting to his door. He greets the bad bitch Malin and walks inside closing the door behind him. He gets a bag and begins to pack for that night.  He opens a drawer a pulls out a shirt and not so neatly puts in the bag. He then puts some sweat pants in with the shirt. Lastly he puts a pair of boxers in the bag.

He then takes his toothbrush and bits it with the rest of his things. Is doesn't matter if you've been making out a majority of the time, if you use the same toothbrush as you partner that shit is nasty as fuck.

With all of his things packed, he zips the bag up and puts his arm through one of the straps. He opens the door then closes it behind him.

First update in a while cause I just remembered about this shit xoxo💅😩😍✨🏳️‍🌈 anyways stream lalisa😌💖💅😍

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