Chapter one

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When my family first told me I would be attending Hillerska for the first time all I wanted to do was beg my parents to keep me from going, but now I can't wait to get there. Or at least I would have if my asshole of a cousin didn't leak a video of me and my boyfriend in bed. A video that should be illegal considering we were both minors. And the worst part about this is that my mother had me say that it wasn't me in the video against my wishes. All I want to do is curl up next to Simon like we used to before all this bullshit. Now I can't even talk to Him.

Once the car pulls up to the school, Malin, my security, opens the car door. When I step out of the car i am greeted by the headmistress.

"Hello Crowned Prince Wilhelm." She says extending her hand out to shake it.

"Hello headmistress" I say shaking her hand.

"I just want you to know I and all staff at Hillerska are incredibly sorry for what has happened." She says.

"Thank you" I reply and grab my bags.

"I trust you remember where your dorm is." She says

"Oh yes I remember Mrs." I tell her.

Me and Malin make our way up to my room to get settled.

"I'll remind you when diner is ready Crowned Prince." Malin says

"Thank you Malin" I say as I walk into my dorm and close the door. 

Everything is exactly how I left it before I left. My bed, my drawers, my desk, Everything. Once I'm finished I lay down and scroll trough Simons Instagram page because it's the only way I can see his face. After a few minutes I get a call. After another look at the number, I can see that it is Simon which makes me answer eminently.

"Hey Wille, I uh know that your in the forms today and I just wanted to ask if I could maybe see you?" He says over the phone. My head racing casing me not to say anything.

"It's ok if you don't want to see-" he begins before I cut him of.

"I would love for you to come over" I tell him.

"Really?" He asks

"Yes. But pleas come over to my window. I don't want Malin to see you and tell someone you were here." I say.

"Ok, I'll see you soon." He says before hanging up. 

After what feels like an eternity of waiting for him I hear a noise coming from my window. I get up to let him in. I open the window and help him craw trough. Once he's in I close the window and curtains. He sits down on my bed, then I join him shortly. We didn't say anything. We were just sitting in silence before I said something.

"I missed you, Simon" I say turning to face him and placing my hand on his.

"I missed you too." He says while bushing my hair behind my ear. "I just wished I could have seen you earlier."

"Me too." I tell him as I move closer.

"I love you." He says. He soon fills the gap between us by pressing his soft, warm lips against mine. Hod it's been forever scene I've felt like this. He is soon pressed against the bed with me on top. I begin to move down from his lips to his neck. He then removes his shirt, then I do the same. I begin to kiss up and down his skin not leaving any part of him untouched. I kiss from shoulder to waist, and from finger to finger. Occasionally leaving marks on his skin. I then move back up to his lips. While kissing him, an alarm on my phone begins to go off.

"Of shit dinner is gonna start soon."  I say rolling to the side of him. "I think I should probably het dressed."

"Well the I should leave." He says before giving me a kiss then gets dressed.

"Already?" I ask.

"I mean I could stay if you like, but what will I do about food?" He asks.

"I can just get you some from diner." I tell him.

"Ok, then I'll stay." He says

"Thank you." I say then give him on last kiss before I leave.

After dinner I begin to head back to my dorm when the annoying bitch ass hoe should have been left in a sock inbreed of a cousin bumps into me.

"Hey Wilhelm we're have you been? I've been looking all over for you!" He says with his annoying voice.

"What the fuck do you want August?" I ask him

"Cant I just see how my cousin is doing?" He says

"You RUINED my life and now you want to ack like nothing happened?!" I say trying not to yell

"Well I just though we moved past that." He says

"YOU LEAKED A VIDEO OF MY HAVING SEX!" I say now yelling with the whole house staring at me and him.

"Look I'm sorry! I already told you!" He says.


"Look I jus-" he begins to speak before I cut him off.

"No! I'm not talking to you! Never fucking talk to me ever again!" I say before storming off.

I reach my dorm and open the door to find Simon already asleep. I undress until I'm in my underwear and climb in bed. I rap my arms around him and pull myself closer to him with my head against his shoulders.

"What took you so long?" He asked me.

"I'll tel you in the morning." I say trying to avoid the question so I don't have to talk about the stupid bitch August.

"Ok" he says.

I begin to kiss from shoulder to shoulder to help him fall asleep.

"I love you." He tells me

"I love you too." I say

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