Friday night was a bitch

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(Simon's pov cause I want to try something)

   The day had finally come. The day me and Wilhelm go out in public for the very first time, even if it is just a few class mates. But that doesn't matter cause all I care about is being with him. Something about being with him makes me happy. I feel like I can really be myself with him. I wish I can be with him forever.

   A few days ago we came up with a plane that I would go over to his dorm before we both go down, then I would stay the night. Earlier I packed a bag with clothes and a toothbrush (cause we have proper hygiene in this household). I just had to get dressed and leave. I look around my room to make an outfit that looks somewhat presentable, but I end up throwing that out the window and just go with the simple tee shirt and sweats combo. I grab my bag and leave. Before I exit the door I obviously put on sweater cause it's cold🙄🙄. 

   I lock the door behind me and head to the bus stop. It was around 4:00 when I left so the sun was gonna set soon. The breeze began to pick up as I walk to the bus stop. I look up to see the trees swaying in the wind.

When I get to the stop, I sit down and wait. I check the time in my phone too see that the bus will come in about three minutes. I'm exited to go with Wilhelm don't get me wrong, but part of me is scared. The weird part is I don't even know why. I think I'm scared to know what people will say. I know that no matter what people will judge Wilhelm for this and I guess I don't want him to go through it alone.

I get too lost in my thoughts to notice that the bus was pulling in. As it comes to a stop I get up and wait for the doors to open. They open and I make my way into the vehicle. It was pretty empty for a Friday night, but hey more seats to choose I guess. I make my way towards the back and take a seat there.

(Time skip to Wilhelm's dorm cause I'm lazy and tired🥰😍💖)

When I get to Wilhelm's room I greet the living goddess know as Malin before knocking on the door. Not even a second later Wilhelm answers wearing a blue sweatshirt and black pants.



"Do you want to come in?"


"You guys are the weirdest people I've ever seen" Malin says witnessing whatever it is we were doing. I swear she had no filter. Stan a true queen

Anyways, I walk into Wilhelm's dorm as he closes the door behind me. I take of my shoes and lay down on his bed and he soon joins me. He lays down facing me as we gaze into each others eyes, imagining they highlights as stars in the night sky.

"Do you ever wonder what we would be doing if thing were different?" Wilhelm asks out of the blue. I was kinda confused as to why he asked this, but I replied with a "no, why?" Anyways.

"I don't know. I guess I just can't believe you're mine" he says. I blush then smile. "I can't believe your mine too". Like me, his checks become as red as a ripe strawberry. He soon leans in slowly, attracting my face to his like a moth to a light. I place my hand upon his check as he slowly connects our lips together. We only separate when we hear a knock at the door.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but we should get going, prince Wilhelm." We hear Malin say through the door. "Yeah, we'll be right out. Thanks" Wilhelm says. He reaches his hands out to me, waiting for me to take them. I do and he pulled me up from the bed.

"I still have to buy my shoes on you know" I say as he leads me to the door. He stops and looks at me before saying "who cares?" Sarcastically. I give him a look and he laughs as he let go of me hand. I sit back down on the bed to slip my shoes on then we finally leave. I take his hand and we walk out the dorm.


The movie is gonna be shown in the library which is on the other side of the campus. So we had to walk to the other side of the school with Malin behind us. She of course gave us some distance so we would draw that much attention, but I think he still did considering he's the crowned prince walking hand in hand with another boy. But besides that it was a pretty normal walk. As normal as anything in our life could be really. I kinda liked it too. It was...calm.

He finally got to the library just in time for the movie to begin. Tonight they were showing some American horror movie again. I think it was about a haunted house but I'm not really sure. I wasn't paying that much attention. Instead I was focused on Wilhelm and wanting everything to be perfect. I wanted things to end differently then they did last time. I wanted this to be a redo of that night, so I placed my hand next to his. It wasn't long till he looked at me and took my hand in his. I could fell my body temperature rise and could tell I was probably as red as a strawberry. I was happy this time.


When the movie ended Wilhelm and I took a walk to the window. We went to the window where we shared our first kiss. But what we didn't expect was to see Sara there, alone and crying.

"I think you should take care of this" Wilhelm told me. He let go of my hand and smiled. I walked to her and sat down next to her.

"What's wrong?" I ask her, tucking her hair behind her ear and wiping a tear. She doesn't answer but instead looks down to her hands. I look at them and see there's something in her palm. It looks like a necklace.

"I messed up" she finally tells me.

"Messed up what?" I ask, not knowing what she could have messed up before it comes to me. She must have messed up with her.

Sara turns her head to face me. I can see her tear stained face and big red eyes more clearly. "I kissed Felice" she says before bursting out into tears once more. "I told you I messed up" she says between muffled sobs.

Sorry for the short chapter and the month long wait but I've been kinda busy working of my other fanfic and this, BUT I promise the next chapter will be A LOT longer then this. Anyways rip Betty White and stream Mitski. ALSO TELL ME IF I SHOULD CONTINUE TO WRITE IN THIRD OR FISTT PERSON

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