Morning after, just as exciting

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Mornings at Simon's house are always the same for some reason. One of their asses is always in pain. But not for some reason, but because these hoes are really horny. Like literally stop yall can't go one week without it or sum. Anyways.  The curly haired boy wakes to find the other in his bed. He takes in the sight of him peacefully asleep for it has been a long time scene they had experienced peace. 

All he could think was how beautiful the other looked. He looked up every inch of the boy as he sits up. The sheets fall to reveal his bear skin. He lifts the remaining sheets that cover him and tries his best to exit the bed without waking the other. He fails cause soon Wilhelm's eyes open.

He sits up and yawns as the sun from the window dances on his skin, illuminating him as if his skin was made of gold. "God he looks beautiful" was the only thing Simon could think. The golden boy lays back down as Simon puts on a pair of boxers. He lays down I bed to be gripped by the stronger boy who's fingers glide through his curly hair. The boys lay together in their warmth, wanting to stay this way forever. They way they felt in this moment was the way Wilhelm always wanted to feel like. Not to have someone that's with him because of the crown, but instead because they wanted him. They could have stayed that way forever.

They hold each other tight, not wanting to lose the feeling they created. The two of them have been showed two different kinds of love in their life, but together they expressed the same love. Their love.

"Hey" Wilhelm say

"Hi" Simon replies

"How are you?" Wilhelm asks

"I'm good" Simon says

"Good" Wilhelm says



"I think you look cute" he says smiling. Wilhelm blushes and smiles back. Simon places his hand on the back of Wilhelm's neck and begins to play with the hair in the back of his head.

"I think you look cute too" Wilhelm say before leaning in for a kiss. Simon pulls his face closer and slowly connects their lips. Wilhelm slowly lifts his body atop Simon's. Their bodies intertwine as they caress each other's lips slowly. Simon's hands travel Wilhelm's bare body. They explore every corner of surface on his skin.

It doesn't take long for Wilhelm to follow Simon. He soon runs his hands down Simon's torso, stoping at the waist band of his boxers. He gently and slowly slides his hand between the elastic and his skin. With his hand halfway in Simon's boxers, Wilhelm begins to travel down the other's neck, leaving a trail of hickies. Wilhelm makes his way down to Simon's collarbone when he reaches his hand all the way down, getting a grip of Simon's erected dick.

Simon closes his eyes as Wilhelm starts to pump his shaft and rubs the head with his thumb. The noises coming out of Simon only made Wilhelm pump faster. The explosion of pleasure between Wilhelm kissing and sucking on his chest and jerking him off only gets better when Wilhelm lifts his head up and travels down to his hand.

"May I?" Wilhelm asks before doing anything serious

"Please" Simon says, allowing Wilhelm to do whatever he wanted.

Wilhelm begins by leaving trails of long kisses, starting at Simon's abdomen. He stops for moment when reaching his thighs, only to start abusing his inner thighs. Simon moans out of shier pleaser. The sensation of Wilhelm's lips all over his body as his hands gripping his cock was the best thing in the world. Wilhelm stays there for a while before coming up from under the sheets.

He leans down and kisses Simon as their hards entwine. Wilhelm runs his hands down Simon's body once again, stoping when reaching his member. Their lips break apart from each other, leaving them both needing air. Wilhelm releases a deep breath as his head glides on Simon's hole. Wilhelm lines himself up with Simon as he slowly pushes himself in. Simon wraps his arms around Wilhelm's neck and pulls him down into another kiss.

With Wilhelm half way inside him, Simon runs his hands down Wilhelm's sides, stoping at his ass. He places his hands on his ass and pushes him further inside himself. They both let out a moan in unison. Wilhelm keeps going deeper and deeper until he finds Simon's g spot. Wilhelm thrusts himself in and out of Simon, slamming his cock right to the g spot every time. Simon's moans were like nothing he nor Wilhelm had ever heard before. There were much different then he's made before.

Simon grips the sheets and arches his back as he comes closer to his edge. Wilhelm's thrusts become sloppy and his arms begin to shake. Simon's moans gets louder and louder before he releases his nut on himself and Wilhelm. With Simon reaching his high, Wilhelm speeds up the pace of his thrusts.

With one last thrust, Wilhelm moans out as he cums deep within Simon. He slides out of Simon and falls to his side.

"I love you" Wilhelm says, trying to catch his breath.

"I love you too" Simon responds reaching to hold Wilhelm's hand. Wilhelm takes his hand, feeling the warmth of it.

"Can I ask you something" Wilhelm says

"Of course" Simon replies

"Um. On Friday there's gonna be another movie night and I wanted to know if you wanted to maybe go with me?" Wilhelm asks. Simon grins and pecks Wilhelm's check.

"Of course I would" he says.

Like I know I haven't posted in a while but idgaf😍😍😍😍💖💖💖💖💅💅💅💅✨✨✨🥰🥰🥰🥰 anyways love y'all🥰🥰🥰stream Judas cause it's the best Christmas song🥰🥰

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