Unexpected kiss.

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I wake up in the middle of the night feeling hot and overheated to the point where I can feel drops of sweat on my forehead.

But when I try to get up I'm stuck, i realize that Seth is next to me and holding me tight against his bare chest "Seth" I whisper trying to get him up - he doesn't budge.

"Seth" I say a little louder he groans in response "I'm hot" I say trying to push him away which just makes him tighten his grip.

"I know, love" he says his eyes still closed but he's smirking "I meant im temperature hot, im gonna die can you let go?." He let's go and I exhale finally able to breathe.

I wake up now instead of it being in the middle of the night it's morning Seth is gone, probably in his office working.

I don't get up to start my day I just keep laying in bed trying to fall back to sleep not wanting to do anything but be miserable.

I decide to close my eyes to help me go back to sleep and after a few minutes I'm fast asleep.

I wake up again gasping for air, I sit up on the bed noticing through the window it's still light out. I had a really bad dream but can't remember what it really was about I only remember snip bits of it.

I lay down when I catch my breath, laying on my back starring up at the ceiling.

I hear heavy footsteps coming closer to the bedroom door knowing who they belong to, Seth comes in shutting the door softly. He walks up my side where I still stare at the ceiling, he sits on the edge of the bed where my legs are.

"Ayla, it's 3pm you haven't got up" he says looking at me, which I can see from the corner of my eye. I stay looking up at the ceiling "Im not feeling to well" I kinda lie.

Ever since the dinner and what happened with my brother I felt pathetic that Seth had to come and "save" me. I always had the thought that I wouldn't want nor need anyone save me especially a man.

"You haven't come out to eat" I turn to my side same side that Seth is, "I'm not hungry" I say smiling trying to make him move on to another subject or just leave the room. "I don't care if your aren't hungry your gonna eat" he says in a demanding tone.

"Now come on or I'm gonna carry you down stairs and feed you myself"

"Fine but I need to get dressed" I say sitting up and rubbing the sleep away from my eyes.

"Okay well I'll be down waiting for you" he says getting up and leaving.

After 20 minutes I'm done fixing my hair, brushing my teeth, and putting on clean clothes, I head down stairs and make my way through the kitchen.

Load and behold Seth is sitting down doing something with his phone, I see a plate with a Sandwich on the counter "Is this mine?" I say, Seth looks up from his phone and smiles then nods.

I grab the plate and sit down across from Seth, I take a bit of the sandwich automatically feeling sick but just keep eating. I stand up to get a water to wash my food down "My good friend is having a weeding tonight and told me last minute, but did you wanna go?" Seth says.

"Um yeah we can go" I say sitting back down with my water "Are you sure, we don't have have to if your not feeling well" he says putting his phone down and watching me take another bite of my sandwich. "No we can go, but when is it?."

"Around six but we'll leave around five thirty" he says "Okay yeah that's fine" I say smiling. "Okay im gonna go to my office until then" he says standing up and giving me a kiss on the forehead and leaving.

I finish my sandwich with only the crust left because that's nasty.

I go into the library that we have conveniently in the house, since I have a hour I decide I would read.

I read a lot when I was a little girl, it helped me a lot with coping and I enjoyed it and it didn't matter the genre if I was given a book I would read it and love it. My favorite books though were mystery and thriller those were most enjoyable and still are.

As I read I got consumed into the book and finally stopped grabbing my phone to check the time '4:50' i read, I put the book down heading up stairs to get dressed.

As I walk in the room I see Seth putting on his tie, "want help?" I ask he looks at me and just nods. I walk towards him and he gives me the tie I get on the bed so I can actually reach because god knows how tall this man is.

I only know how to do a tie because my brother never learned and I would have to help him, that's the only time we really got along. "There" I say smiling and finishing he turn around to face me "Thank you, love" he says.

"Your welcome" I say sheepishly, he grabs my waist pulling me closer to him and he gives me a kiss.

I hope off the bed to get dressed and put some makeup on.

I finish and check the time '5:28' perfect timing I Pat myself on the back shutting the bedroom door I'm headed downstairs. As im turning the corner I bump into something making me fall on my ass and making loud slap on the marble floor.

I look to who I bumped into, Seth's brother "Are you good?" He asks, umm I just fell so hard on my ass because of you does it look like im good?

"Yeah" I say giving him a smile, I stand up rubbing my ass as it's sore now, "Sorry Damon I should probably watch where im going next time" I try to apologize even though it wasn't my fault.

"No it was my fault"

Yeah you think? "Why are you here?" I ask him "Um I need to talk to my brother"

"Oh okay well I'll get out of your way then" I say stepping to the side "It was nice running Into to you again Ayla" he says then walks towards Seth's office.

I walk to the living room sitting down on the couch starting the tv waiting until Seth was ready to go to the wedding. After a few minutes Seth and Damon come down stairs arguing about something.

"Damon I told you once before I'm not changing my mind because you ask me again" Seth says and Damon doesn't say anything.

"Are you ready" Seth ask and nods his head towards the door I nod my head Turing the tv off and setting the remote on the coffee table. I get up heading to Seth "Fine never mind then" Damon comes next to me.

I turn my head and he grabs my head harshly then kisses me. surprising me. I try to move my head pushing him off of me and he steps back "What the fuck" Seth barks.

"Why did you just kiss me!" I say shouting I step closer to Damon then slap him across the face. He stumbles back touching his check "was worth it" he says smirking then without another though,t Seth punches Damon hovering over him.

Damon falls, Seth turns to me and grabs my wrist pulling me out the door with him. "Um I didn't know that he was gonna kiss me and I didn't-" Seth pulls me into his chest "It's okay I know, I mean you slapped the shit out of him" he says chuckling.

I look up at him with my chin resting on his chest and I smile at him "He's lucky I won't kill him" he says looking down at me.

"now let's go before anyone eles try's to kiss you that isn't me" he winks. We head to Seth's car and he holds the door open for me.

I'm all over the place with publishing each part so from now on I'll start publishing on Tuesdays and Fridays.

And any thoughts about Damon? umm tbh I wasn't expecting him to kiss Ayla like that, even though I'm the one writing this story I was shocked as well 😭

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