Night 2

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          Seth was still kissing my neck and I was enjoying it stoping a moan from coming out of my mouth. Why does, how does he make me feel like this I've never felt like this with anyone why is he different all of a sudden?

Seth starts to take off my shirt I'm wearing a cute white tank top so it's not that hard for him to take off. I soon only have my bra on and I'm laying on my back with Seth kissing my stomach coming back up. He puts his thumb over my lips taking it off and kissing me again this time harsh.

He is kissing me like he owns me I put my hand on his chest trying to make him go a little softer but it doesn't work. While I'm kissing him I decide to bite his lip to make him go more softer he stops and pulls away "ouch you just bit me" he say touching his lip where I bit him.

"Yeah now go softer your going to hard" I say looking at him he starts to smile and grabs me pulling me up from my back making me sit up now. I grab his dress shirt wanting to unbutton it "Go ahead Love" Seth says winking.

I slowly unbutton his shirt making eye contact with Seth a couple of times and when I was done Seth got off the bed and started to unbuckle his pants. I was kinda scared because he might be to big for me and I'm a virgin I've never been this close to losing my virginity and Seth might take that who I'm I kidding he will take it.

He walks over to his night stand and gets a condom he fully takes off his pants and I'm met with his dick. Seth puts the condom on and walks over to me grabbing my arm pulling me off the bed and walking to a couch that is next to his bed.

We're both standing there, him with no pants nor a shirt making his body look so good he has a six pack and a v line. I have no shirt just bra and my shorts "Strip" he says looking at me.

I start with my shorts and take them off I feel nervous and scared if it's gonna hurt, but at the same time I want him in me. I take off my bra and my underwear standing naked Seth pulls me he sits down on the couch making me slide on his lap.

He starts to put himself in me "You have to relax so I can actually fit" Seth says looking at me. I'm so god damn nervous but I start to relax and he starts to go deeper and deeper a tear making it's way out of my eye.

His dick was so big I didn't even know they can be this fucking big. I started to move my hips back and forth slowly trying to make it hurt less but in fact it did not help.

Seth had his hands on my hips helping me rock back and forth on his dick. After a while it started to feel better and actually pleasurable so I kept going faster and while I was going faster. I started to rest my head on Seth's shoulder while still rocking at this point it started to get hot and we both were trying to catch our breath. I stopped and so did Seth we're both breathing heavily looking at each other.

His dick was still in me, he pulled me closer and kissed me then we stopped again. "Let's go on the bed" Seth said helping get off of his lap then walking to the bed. "Actually I'm tired again" I said teasing him more "Actually I think you should lay down and let me fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk tomorrow" Seth said giving butterflies in my stomach.

"No" I said crossing my arms standing there still naked, but I'm good at making him mad so why stop now? Seth walks up to me and pushes me on the bed making me back away until my back hits the headboard. Seth followed me and yanked me down by my ankles making him go on top of me.

He grips my waist and before I realized his intentions, he slammed inside of me and it hurt like a bitch but felt good at the same time. He thrust back and forth making me clench the bed sheets so hard that my hands start to turn red. "Fuck" Seth says thrusting harder into me and making me moan but not to loud nor quiet.

After a hour of non stop fucking I was getting tired and out of breath we decided to stop and I was even more tired now. Seth went to take a shower and I was just sitting on the bed on my phone looking at more screaming goats and laughing.

I start to feel a little drowsy and fall asleep while on my phone. As I'm sleeping I start to feel the bed dip a little and it was Seth. "Your already asleep?" He said, I didn't respond to tired to. He started to get under the covers with me and got closer spooning me.

"Good night love" Seth said turning to turn the lap thats on his night stand and then turn back around giving me a kiss on the head and cuddling his head on my neck. I turn around chest to chest then getting as close as possible cuddling him more.

I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep I was still hugging Seth though and pretending to be asleep to not wake him. But after a while I couldn't anymore and felt thirsty so I slowly got out of bed moving Seth's hands away from my body gently and slowly.

I finally got off the bed it felt like a obstacle course I had to tip toe to the door and open the door slowly and quietly making sure to not wake him. I finally got out of the room and headed down stairs I got a cup of water getting on top of the counter just to get the cup.

I get the cup and decide I don't want water anymore instead I want milk to help me sleep faster so I won't be tired tomorrow. As I open the fridge the light brightening the whole kitchen I grabbed the milk and pour it then soon putting it away.

As I was putting it away I felt heavy veiny hands on my stomach scaring me for a second but then realize who it was. "Seth you scared me what are you doing" I said turning and facing Seth "You left and I couldn't sleep anymore" he said rubbing his eyes. "The real question is what are you doing love?" He says with his raspy sleepy voice "I was thirsty so I decided to get milk to help me sleep" I said softly smiling.

I walk around Seth to drink my milk and take a sip of it "Let's go back to bed" Seth says squinting a little from the fridge light. "Let me finish my milk and then we can go" I said taking a sip "Okay" Seth says.

"Okay we can go back to bed" I said putting my cup in the dishes and walking over to close the fridge door. Seth grabs my waist and turns me around grabbing both sides of my face squeezing my cheeks and kissing me "You're cute" he says kissing my cheek this time.

We head upstairs and make it to the room laying back down how we were before but this time I'm on my back and Seth is laying on top of me using my boobs as a pillow. I play with his hair until he falls asleep and it wasn't long until he did, I started to doze off and soon darkness swallows me whole.

I wake up to gun shots being fired......

Sorry I didn't update yesterday I had to study for test I had and didn't have enough time to publish anything.

I'm not a huge fan of this chapter but I hope you guys enjoy still thankkk youu for reading as always 😌🫶🏼

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