And You'll Be Sorry

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I feel as though I have been struck by lightning as Emerald's words bring back a memory from our junior year of high school. The words she spoke to me that day are now running through my mind like a roller coaster that has lost control. My eyes are wide and my mouth is opening and closing as the words I want to speak are caught on the roller coaster that is in my mind.

"Daniel." My father has cleared his throat and wants me to respond. What do I tell him? If I tell them the truth then I will look guilty. If I acknowledge that I was aware that Emerald may have been my mate then my petition can be denied. Either way I am risking the love of my life, the gift granted to me by the Moon Goddess herself, the other half of my soul, my wolf's mate. I know my response will determine the rest of this meeting. Although I just officially found out that Emerald was my mate yesterday, the love I have for her seems to be from many lifetimes ago as I feel as though I have loved her forever.

Emerald is the most important thing to me, I can not , I will not lose her. My parents always taught me that honesty and integrity were two important characteristics of a great Alpha and I am or I will be a great Alpha. So I tell the truth.

"I do recall Emerald telling me we were mates." Silence takes over the room and I hear my mothers tears fall, the elders sigh with disappointment and my father squeezes the life out of the chair arms as he controls the look on his face.

"Daniel, so you admit that you knew Emerald was your mate and you maintained a relationship with another.?" Elder Jonas asked his tone conveys his disbelief of the scenario

"Let me explain" I say..


Junior Year High School

Walking into my chemistry class I notice the Alpha's daughter Emerald looking at me well, more like staring a hole into my brain.

"Bro, you have an admirer," Jarvis smirks .

Jarvis has been my best friend since before we were even born, our mothers were pregnant at the same time and were drawn to each other even though they were not friends before. They say that Jarvis and I must have been related in our previous life and managed to find each other in this life. Our mothers were very close throughout their entire pregnancy and remained so as we grew up.

"I doubt it. You know Emerald doesn't mingle with us peasants." I say laughing but feeling a sting at the reality of my statement.

Emerald seems to keep a wall between herself and the rest of us. She is totally different from her cousin Diamond. I thought they were twins for a long time because when we were younger they acted just alike, fun and always giggling and being nice to everyone plus they looked alike.

Then when we started junior high school she seemed to change. One thing for sure: her looking at me couldn't mean anything good so I ignored her for the entire class. I could tell she wanted to say something but I didn't know what that something was and since I had a major football game afterschool I didn't want to hear it, I needed to be calm and focused for the game tonight.

When the bell rang to dismiss us from class I rushed out the classroom to my locker not paying attention to where Emerald went. I was standing at my locker and my girlfriend Giselle walked up to me and kissed my cheek. "Hi babe"

Giselle and I have been dating for about two years. She is a beautiful girl, a petite cutie who also happened to be a cheerleader. Since I played football we spent a lot of time together and had gotten close while on the many bus rides to our away games.

Turning from my locker I pull Giselle close and kiss her lips, as always our kisses get heated and before I realized it we were in the zone and unaware of our surroundings. That's when I felt it, it was if someone was watching us. Pulling away from Giselle I looked around the hallway. I didn't see anyone watching us, just a few kids rushing to class. Giselle and I said our goodbyes and went our separate ways to our last class

"See you after class, save me a seat on the bus."

"I will baby, see you later" Giselle replied as she walked away with a big grin on her face.

I continued to walk to my class when I passed by an empty classroom and was snatched inside. I heard the door closed before I realized what and who had pulled me in the room.

It was Emerald, I was shocked because we didn't communicate on any level. I couldn't fathom what she wanted or needed with me so I just looked at her waiting for her to say something. Anything.

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