chapter 79

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An I guess all of you wondered how Ritchie become my character mentor well you are going to find out in this chapter. Savanna's pov for the whole chapter

So I was training my Pokemon and Mudkip fin started going nuts and I say what is it? Mudkip started growling and then Ritchie came and I say what do you want?! Were you stalking me? Ritchie says what?! No! Why I would I do that? I just wanted to let you know that dinner is ready sheesh and I looked at him and said I will be back soon let Brock know and Ritchie nodded and walked back and Charmeleon looked at me and I say you got something to say?! Charmeleon nodded her head no and I got back to training.

Meanwhile Ritchie says your new friend Savanna is sorta rude and Max says that's just how she is and Ash nodded and said I remember when we first let you travel with us Savanna give you a nasty look and Ritchie says she did?! Ash nodded and Brock says I am pretty sure she will get out of her shell it takes time especially with a past like the one that Savanna had I guess you just remind her of someone who I guess used to be kind to her and then was mean to her.

So I came back and I grabbed my food and said thanks and Charmeleon and I walked off and sat down on a bottom of a tree near the group and Charmeleon sat beside me and I started petting her and she started growling and I smiled and I started eating and I stopped petting Charmleon and she started eating her food and me and her were both done and I gave my bowl and Charmeleon did the same thing and I was sitting on one of the logs and I looked at the skies and see stars and Ash says hey Savanna wanna have a battle and Charmleon and I glared and I growled you ruined my stargazing time and Ash says sorry and I say its fine and I got up and walked off and Ritchie says with his head down why she is nice to you but not me!? Ash says like Brock said it takes time for Savanna to get used to a new person and Brock nodded and said it took Savanna a couple of days to get used to me she wasn't mean to me tho I don't know why she is so mean to you Ritchie even tho yesterday she was nice to you and then I came back and then a poison sting came out of nowhere and hit me and I fell towards the ground and I see team rocket and Ritchie growled and ran and stood infront of me and growled and said leave her alone and Meowth says why do we wanna do that? She's got a Charmeleon and another rare Pokemon that the boss wants and everyone looks at me and I say to myself crap they know that I have Type Null I gotta shut them up before they yell it out and I say Charmeleon use flamethrower and fast! It hits an team rocket blast off and I tried to get up but I found out I was poisoned and Brock says guys Savanna is poisoned! I tried to get up and I fell towards the ground and I tried getting up again and I groaned out in pain and then the poison was getting worse and I started crawling back to my tent and then Ritchie ran over and stopped me and I say hey look I am trying to get to my tent what do you want?! Ritchie says I am helping you and I say I don't need your help and then Ritchie grabbed my arm and wrapped it around his shoulder and I got up and I closed my eyes and said to myself I can't believe it I am letting who I don't trust help me! God I am so weak Christ! I know he cares but why I am able to fight on my own and then me and Ritchie got into the tent and I lied down and I gritted my teeth and Brock came in with some stuff and I started eating it and I was done and I put the bowl down and I say to Ritchie what do you want?! Ritchie says I just helped you! You should be grateful and me and Ritchie started bickering and Sparky sweat dropped and Ash came in and said would you guys mind and I growled and I turned my head away and Ritchie was looking down and Sparky went to comfort him and then I was looking down and Charmeleon went to comfort me and I say quietly sorry and Ritchie looks at me and I started breaking down and then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around and seen Ritchie with his hat down and he smiled and said I understand you went through some crap and I got mad and I nodded my head no and said my past took over me you just remind me of someone and I am sorry for being cold and then Ritchie says its fine and I say can you teach me about the world you seem to travel a lot and can teach some stuff about Pokemon no one hasn't really helped me not even Ash well because he is busy teaching May. I know this is a big request and then Ritchie cut me off and said its fine I will teach you about the world and the world of Pokemon and I was shocked and Ritchie looked at Charmeleon and asked can I pet her? I nodded and Ritchie stuck out his hand and Charmeleon growled and Ritchie says don't worry I am not going to harm you're trainer or you and Charmeleon kept growling and I say Charmeleon doesn't trust you you gotta make it trust you by having a battle or saving me and Ritchie says let's have a battle and I nodded and walked out and Charmeleon walked out with me and I say Charmeleon go! Charmeleon ran infront of me and growled and Ritchie looked at a Pokeball and threw it and said go Zippo and the male Charmeleon came out and looked at my Charmeleon and smiled and mine smiled back and I say use flamethrower and everyone face palms besides Ritchie and he says did you forget that fire types moves don't really work on fire types and I say crap and Zippo blocked the flamethrower while getting pushed back a couple of feet and I started yelling USE DRAGON CLAW! Charmeleon jumped up and her claws started glowing a greenish color and Ritchie and Zippo were shocked on how high my Charmeleon can jump and Ritchie says holy crap Zippo use flamethrower and fast and Zippo nodded and shot off the flamethrower and Charmeleon used her claws to block the flamethrower and she went through the flamethrower and hit Zippo with the dragon claw and Zippo growled and Charmeleon ran back to me and Ritchie says your strong but not as strong as me and Zippo so Zippo use dig and it hits and Charmeleon got back up and roared and I say use your own dig attack! Charmeleon dug underground and went towards Zippo and Ritchie says Zippo try to look for Savanna's Charmeleon and then Charmeleon came out and punched Zippo with an uppercut and Zippo got flown back and he hit the ground and Ritchie says Zippo I know that you can do it! Zippo got up and roared Ritchie says use thunder punch and it hits Charmeleon right in the chest. So the battle ends with Ritchie winning and I looked down at Charmeleon and Ritchie comes up to me and gives me a handshake

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